I agree. The reason there is a conflict that can lead to a loss of "connection" is because people don't really care to find definition to terms, get on the same page of understanding, and then progress from being on the same page. It's boring, they don't understand the need, it's too "serious", they just want to talk and not get all serious about how language works and the need to define terms.
I've found that those who don't want to understand the semantic misunderstanding from inaccurate use of words, are those that impede progress. And yes, there is inaccurate use of words, which is why semantic misunderstandings can occur int the first place. Either one, or both, are using a word incorrectly to explain what they want to explain. So if one party isn't interested in getting to understand a word more accurately, then they are choosing ignorance over knowledge, and attachment to their false idea that they don't want to let go of, that they don't want to admit being wrong about.
I just wanted to add that. The only way to move forward, is when peopel move together. Those who don't want to learn, can't move forward with those who do want to learn. Those who want to be more moral, can't move forwards with those who don't want to be more moral and hold onto their wrong ways.
Communication requires, language, and not many people understand the intricacies of language and how that results in confusion, controversy and then conflict.