Seeing the falsity to know the truth

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Interacting with other people allows us to see what they do and say. People will show you their falsity, which allows you to think about and analyze things that contrast, and develop a greater degree of understanding about certain aspects of reality, such as psychology for instance. It also enables us to understand and see more of ourselves and the falsity we are attached to.

We learn from others whether they are in the right or wrong. If they are in the right, they show us the Right Path. If they are in the wrong, they show us the Wrong Path. If we can discern truth from falsity, we can learn from either experience: learn about the false as well as the truth.

Learning about the wrong way is helpful, we learn what not to do. And we sure have plenty of examples of the wrong way of living.

Additionally, seeing the wrong actions or wrong thoughts that people engage in reveals underlying psychological motivations, barriers to realization and recognition of truth, that have them accepting this falsity, and staying attached to it.

Learn from the truth and falsity, and teach about the truth and falsity.

Discover, Realize and Actualize Truth

We all have so much potential and value. We are kept from the actualization and realization of truer, higher and realer potential versions of ourselves through acceptance and attachment to falsity. Attachment to falsity keeps us trapped as falser lower versions of who we can be.

The process of discovering Truth helps to bring us into greater degrees of self-realization and self-actualization with truth to embody our fuller potential and value as human beings.


Face Yourself by Seeking the Path and the Way

The Right Path and Way to live is that which is in alignment with Moral Law/Truth. I do not walk the path, or try to show others, in order to make friends. I'm not trying to be likable and make people “feel-good” about themselves. However the understanding I share can certainly empower you, and that does feel good in an authentic way to the core of our being. This happens when we find great awakening truth. Understanding more about the complexity of reality, consciousness, and our actions together (morality) brings great joy to my life.

You don't make friends by telling people things they don’t want to hear about reality. That doesn't get people to identify with you, to connect with you, to like you, especially if you tell people things about themselves they don't want to hear.

We are often walking on eggshells around people, being fake with smiles, positivity masks, rosy colored glasses, avoiding conflict, controversy, friction, and tension. It takes us away from our "feel-good" infatuation and trap. Our social success depends on others liking us, and this affects of survival in society at large. Speaking hard truths does not tend to make you popular, not in a positive way at least.

However, those that are on the same goal and objective of finding truth no matter what it is, the "alchemical" and "spiritual" journey to understanding greater aspects of truth, will appreciate information about what is wrong. They are ready to admit what is wrong and also look at themselves in the mirror to see what's wrong in their own lives.

What matters is truth in general, and the moral, authentic, real and true life we can all choose to lead and live by example.

The truth may not be what you want to hear, but it’s what you need to hear to change.

It’s time to face ourselves in the mirror and heal, purify, evolve, better and improve ourselves into better version than we were before. Those that can’t handle being shown falsity are not walking the same Path and Way as those that are. Walk the path of truth with those who understand it's importance. The others don't want to join you, but the goal is to show them to importance of truth in life by talking about truth.

This can mean you walk a lonely, solitary path. Most people fear being alone, alienated, ostracized, shunned, etc. for speaking out against the popular ideas in society. We keep ourselves imprisoned. We are our own worst enemies. Truth is the way out of the cage.

Do you want the truth?

The government tries to keep us dumbed down because we allegedly "can't handle the truth".

Indeed, some people can't handle the truth. They avoid, deny, reject, ignore, dismiss and refuse to accept or look at much of reality honestly.

But if we want to, we can begin the best, greatest, most wonderful, amazing and joyous journey that feeds our deep yearning for truth in life. Truth is the food of the "soul" (i.e. consciousness, psyche, etc.).

Climb the mountain! Start the journey if you haven't already. Care for, and seek, TRUTH.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Knowing the truth can be dangerous, and once the genie's out of the bottle, there is no going back. Once you learn sometimes more than you want to know, you can't stuff that genie back in and continue on without your knowledge. If you know too much or are the right candidate, you will become a target to those who want you to stay in the dark.

The government tries to keep us dumbed down because we allegedly "can't handle the truth".

I think it's the opposite really, the government knows that we can handle the truth, and they try to dumb us down because us knowing the truth, and acting on that knowledge is a threat to them.

Great post as usual! So glad I found your blog! :) Keep up the good fight!!

"I think it's the opposite really, the government knows that we can handle the truth, and they try to dumb us down because us knowing the truth, and acting on that knowledge is a threat to them."@snowpea

That was a very insightful observation snowpea! That's exactly why I like to spread these videos as frequently as possible. The workings of the monetary system has been very occulted and the links below are a concentrated, entertaining, crash course in the reality of how fiat money works.

Not only in the US but also for the most part around the globe. The crisis of fake debt from money that's been magically conjured into existence will either lead this world into a global conflict that could very well make mankind extinct, or force us to innovate is such a way where we will thrive.

It should go without saying, but I'm hoping we can accomplish the latter.

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Henry Ford

Yes, allegedly we can't handle it, but that's just an excuse indeed ;)

It’s all so very true (excuse the pun) but I love that quote you have, nothing feels as good to the soul as the truth. There must be a deeper meaning for that, because that’s something that isn’t (or I don’t think is) taught to us through teachings, religion, upbringing, it just seems to be within us... or most of us. But the truth is the only way. We are fed lies on a monumental level as the normal person who indulges themselves with standard way of living i.e new papers, mainstream media and radio stations etc... it’s all a script.

Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion :) just wanted to say that too haha, it’s a David icke book

I don't like the sayings of "all you need is love" or "X is the only truth", because... it's not true ;) But yes about the rest. Truth comes before love. You can't have real love without truth. I would have to go find an older post that explains this... but I'm off to bed. Ex: someone lies to you, is that love? If you blindly "unconditionally" love them, is that really love?

Some very good points, I think I just had the quote in my head as I used to say it quite a lot some years back ha. But I do agree with you, really I could reword it and say “infinite truth is the only love” almost.

Exactly, if someone does you wrong, or as you said, if you unconditionally love someone, I guess that’s all love if it’s coming from yourself directly, regardless of what others around you are doing. But it get skewed when you look at all other humans and how much we vary, in terms of morals, beliefs etc. I kind of believe that being a good person to myself and to others is the way forward, for me personally :) hopefully all good things come back to us if we put ourselves in a position to accept it :)

A way of life is only truly right, good and true if it does not have any wrong, evil and falsity being created. Any way of life that engages in creating falsity, wrong, negative, immoral or evil, means that the way of life is contradicting living in truth, right, positive, moral or good. Guess what? Our overall way of life is not a good, moral, right and true way of life. It needs to be changed. We are all in this together.@karnel We must understand the difference between right vs. wrong, true vs. false, and the difference of moral vs. immoral, good vs. evil, in our actions and behaviors.

Indeed it isn't and we do need to change, despite the good there is, we need to always be able to find the negative effects and try to work to transmute it into positive effects in the future.

Exactly 👍

this world is full of unexpected moments sometimes we trust people and are false illusions of their personality and their way and we are simply disappointed, I believe that in bad times and when more false people we know and more real people give us support, it is very true and real what you say and you found in the reality of life, great post.

Personally for me it's very natural to say the truth, but people don't appreciate it for sure. At the same time you have to be sure yourself that you are speaking the truth. If you criticize somebody make it as constructive as possible and not personal.

Well everything is personal when it relates to someone...hehe ;) Even if it's inaccurate, we should still be willing to judge and criticize. If we are wrong, we need to be willing to admit it and correct our false perceptions.

some people start to say you are stupid, you wrong, how could you do it such stupid mistake. Instead of saying here the mistake I see, here are the reasons why this is a mistake, and this is a way how to fix it

Very true post @krnel. We all know that the truth sometimes can be hurtful, but it must be said !!

Yup, speak truth even if it may hurt. Truth is love ;)

My opinion is that governments keep us dumb in order to rule us easily and in whatever direction they wish. As Osho once said the society doesn't want us to be smart.
Even if we are talking about the first hand society or the secret one that is rumored to lead us from the other side of the curtain is the same tactics: whatever kind of technology, habits and drugs to keep the masses in in a partially sleepy state that allows to this "society" to apply any laws they want.
Going more deep into your statement that we "can't handle the truth" I can totally agree. Humanity is not ready to accept that there is only one God/Divine Power/Self or whatever you want to call it and that the essence of it is in everything.

You have no idea @krnel how much I needed this post today. Thank you. 👍

You;re welcome :) I'm glad it has provided you with value and has been appreciated :)

this world is full of unexpected moments sometimes we trust people and are false illusions of their personality and their way and we are simply disappointed, I believe that in bad times and when more false people we know and more real people give us support, it is very true and real what you say and you found in the reality of life, great post.

And the other thing, you have to always keep in mind, that you might see only one side of the picture. Always try to see thing from different perspective of views. It will help you to understand how other person got to their conclusion even if it's wrong one, it will be easier for you to explain him/her why they are wrong.

Thank you for putting this into words. It's to reassuring to know that there's so much more people who are not afraid to open their eyes and willing to accept that the truth might be ugly, but it's better than being asleep!!!

Now I know I'm part of the problem as well of the solution. Turning my gaze inwards was the first step on my way.