Knowledge can empower us. Knowledge is power to a certain degree, but knowledge itself isn't the power to change. Action through willpower allows us to change based on the knowledge we have to understand what we can or can't do. The power to act, and to know how to act rightly, is where we apply the knowledge and understanding through the wisdom of right-action.
- Knowledge to be known
- Integrate knowledge into ourselves
- Understanding is developed and embodied
- Right-action based on understanding
Knowledge has power in our lives in 2 main ways:
- power to you
- power from you
Power to You
Knowledge gained can empower you to understand something and act in accordance with that understanding.
Power from You
Knowledge restricted can disempower you by keeping you ignorant of how to change things.
If someone can control the information you're getting, and/or feed you titillating distractions to captivate your attention, then your ability to function in reality is being restricted by others.
The information we receive allows us to be informed about certain things. What we pay attention to with the time we spend, allows us to gain quality knowledge or remain ignorant of it. Quality truths allow us to function more accurately in reality. If quality truths are being ignored or restricted by others, then our ability to perceive, conceive, understand and navigate reality and our lives will be hindered.
We stay confused when we lack knowledge and understanding of meaningful quality information. We become empowered when we gain knowledge and understanding substantive truths.
Knowledge of the functionality, motivations and drives within our mind, psyche and consciousness empowers us in life. Ignorance of important quality knowledge is detrimental to survival and well-being. Those who have this knowledge and use it with their dark care, have the power to manipulate and control the minds of the ignorant and confused, and keep them in that lower state of awareness and consciousness.
By keeping knowledge hidden, secreted or occulted, we are manipulated, deceived and controlled by falsity they purport as truth. We are fooled, tricked, conned, hoodwinked, bamboozled, uninformed, duped, misled, lied to and mind controlled into negative manifestations in reality.
Eventually some people get tired of the lies and deception, and find the alternative media and alternative press. The free press and media are now under attack through the fake mainstream media's claims that fake news is a problem outside of the mainstream media, when in actuality the mainstream media invented fake news.
People will go get the truth somewhere else if they're not getting it from the mainstream media. The media gets caught lying, yet they keep treating people like fools to be manipulated.
Quality Truth, Quality Life
The foundation for everything is based on truth. Truth is synonymous with reality and existence. The more truth we have in common, the stronger the bond we have, because it's based in reality, what 'is', and not on a semblance of reality based on ignoring or denying the truth we don't want to face.
Learning about quality truths has the potential to empower us with that knowledge and affect the quality and condition of our lives and of the world at large.
There is minor/micro and major/macro level knowledge about who we are that will help us change the quality and condition of our lives and the world.
1- Knowledge of the individual
The self-knowledge of the function and behavior of individual consciousness capacities (psychology, biology, neuroscience), along with our own particular self, ego-personality-identity construct and the falsity we are attached to.
2- Knowledge of the universal
The self-knowledge at a larger level of application, of self + other interactions of consciousnesses and creating the world we create, where we reciprocally cooperate for survival and optimized living by recognizing moral truth/laws to interact by.
Working Together
We can all learn and share knowledge to help people each other. We can learn about the problems around us so that they can be understood, and then we can learn more to be able to find and apply a solution with everyone else working on the same goal. We can change ourselves and the world if we put int he time, energy, attention, dedication, determination and persistence to seek out and know the current condition of our world.
True care/“love” for truth is about facing the beauty and horror, positive and negative, light and dark in the world and in ourselves. Care for truth brings about the inner-work of facing our shadow, darkness, demons and negative. We can recognize and let go of what does not suit us in a positive way, and may indeed be causing us or other beings harm and perpetuating self-inflected suffering on a collective scale.
True freedom and peace is possible, if we learn how to create it. Living in anarchy without any rulers or masters is possible, if we learn how to do it by being more moral and working together with more personal responsibility and accountability for our actions and behavior. We can take the power back into our own individual lives and not let rulers rule over, manipulate deceive and control us.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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My goal is to share knowledge, truth and moral understanding in order to help change the world for the better. If you appreciate and value what I do, please consider supporting me as a Steem Witness by voting for me at the bottom of the Witness page; or just click on the upvote button if I am in the top 50.

The challenge is: how do you make more people care?.
Values like accountability and integrity are seen as 'burdens' and 'inconvenient' in a world which rewards material accumulation.
In addition, material accumulation is a major, if not the only, motivation for most of people to do anything. And if we can find easy ways to do it, we will choose them at the expense of other options which promise non-monetary types of fulfillment or rewards. Our choices show what we care about.
Most of us, admittedly, joined Steemit because we learnt/heard that we could earn money by producing content. Some quit after realizing that producing content is one thing: getting noticed and getting paid is totally different. It is hard work. Hard work and uncertain pay. Definitely not 'care- inspiring' for most of us.
Then there are those of us who buy votes and self vote. I've seen the argument that - the system allows it. That's shifting blame. It is also a justification not to care, for those who may experience a twinge of conscience.
And there's a lot of blaming going on around here. Which takes a lot of energy. Instead of figuring out how each of us can grow the grand experiment that is Steemit.
The thing about integrity is this: it is not a shirt that one can take off to change or wash once it gets stained. You either care or you don't.
We need more people who care.
The BS ideology of "code-= law" keeps people from even wanting to change things. These are the blockhead programmers who view code as some supreme justifier for anything being allowed... it's sad. They can;t think beyond it. Code can fucking change! I tried to get things to change in early 2017, but after months of being flagged I left disheartened... been back for 2 weeks about ;)
Thank you for the feedback.
There is always a turnover in civilization when knowledge is collectively shared.
Source code and blockchain are open, and opening doors for society flourishing.
But on the other side, we need people to be aware that we can change the world by changing ourselves oriented by self-knowledge.
Like Sagan says there are cycles of change in humanity wealth from 400 hundred years when knowledge is shared or privately used.
After the burning of the zenith of Alexandria's shared knowledge, humanity suffered a dark age of private knowledge.
Private knowledge, secret societies, been around for ages ;)
Excellent post! I addressed this recently in a post as well. Not self-promoting myself but just adding this discussion. I'll post at bottom of this - it matters not that you read it . I think (from all the pieces that I've collected) that it really comes down to each individual's inner work and self awareness/knowledge/wisdom. In essence, I came to this: "Maybe just maybe.....freedom is something we develop on the's personal."
I love hegelian logic)) I recommend to you. It shows that everything is related and everything has a motion. It really make you better thinker.
Your POST has this logic.
You show simple plan from UnKnowwn - > Know, BUT when you Know you have smething UnKnow, and when you UnKnow you have something Know. It's the truth.
"bamboozled" I cant even. man! Didn't take you @krnel as a meme-person. The occult-ed knowledge has a different and deeper side which I hope you will write about: Every specialized field with it's need to convey more information with specific message out of necessity develops some nomenclature and terms but more often than not I find a needlessly complicated jargon which intend to do nothing more than confuse and deter people from subject matter. To segregate knowledge which isn't deep and/or illuminating anyways.
Great article. Followed and resteemed. Check out this article, it is very similar to this, I really enjoyed this article!!
Interesting reviews. One more :
Knowledge is the most precious treasure and it will never run out.
If science is given to others our knowledge will increase, in contrast to property if we give to others will be reduced.
Relevance: critical thinking
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @stevescoins)
In order to begin restoring balance to the our reality we each need to correct our own actions, take responsibility for what we do and realize that giving away our energy and power to their system is what is powering the illusion. We have to operate, learn, and cooperate with each other without using their intellectual property like money, law, government and politics, religion. Those are THEIR TOOLS. Commerce and beliefs only divide, subdivide, and create opposition through competition and division. They are creating the reality through manipulation of our energy and because they use lies to deceive and keep a vibration pattern of fear. Stay grounded in neutrality and we are able to raise our vibration above the polarity. I've done a series of posts on particular tactics that they are using against us. The first 2 are only a day old