Knowing the difference between right and wrong empowers us to stand for what is right. This is the light to guide us. The darkness, however, is to be ignorant of the difference between right and wrong that keeps us from moving on the right path and way in life.
If we KNOW the difference between right and wrong, then we KNOW when to say NO and stand against what is wrong.
Only those who know the objective difference between right and wrong can have the care, knowledge, understanding, courage and willpower to stand up and say NO when wrongs occur.
Do most people speak or stand against the state/government? The police? Not yet. They don't yet know the difference between right and wrong in order to reflect upon the delusion of external authority that allows some men (masters/rulers) to rule over others and perpetuate a wrong as though it were a "right". The majority of people don't know what is right or wrong, and buy into what the manipulators, deceivers, controllers and dominators are selling. They are selling us the control over our lives. They are selling us which rights we do or don't have. They are selling us the belief in authority to externalize our power to a centralized group of people who don't really know the difference between right and wrong and often act like thugs.
Most don't say NO because they don't KNOW. Saying "NO" has become a lost word in this world where evil hides behind a veil or illusion of "good", and the right/good is often treated as wrong/evil.
Know thyself. Know the objective difference between right and wrong. Know your rights. Those who don't KNOW, won't say NO.
Most people have a lack of care of truth -- for moral truth, to know the difference between right and wrong -- which is an apathy for truth where they aren't actively seeking to understand more of the important things about how to live (morality). Instead of gaining knowledge from caring to seek truth, they remain ignorant from that apathy to seek.
Apathy begets ignorance, and ignorance begets confusion that leads to cowardice and laziness of inaction of how to deal with the various issues that present themselves to us in our current times. But caring for truth will produce knowledge and understanding and develop the courage and willpower to act and do something. Care defeats apathy. Knowledge defeats ignorance. Understanding defeats confusion. Courage defeats cowardice. Willpower defeats laziness.
When we don't live by the care for truth we don't get more knowledge and understanding of how to live better, we don't develop more courage and willpower to act to change things for the better. Our awareness is smaller and so to is our level of consciousness. This is to be "dead" in an unconscious unaware state of not grasping the importance of truth in life. When the important of truth is "dead" to us, we are "dead" to ourselves -- our truer, realer and higher potential selves we can potentially be. We don't know ourselves (know thyself). The "spirit"-"soul"-psyche-mind-consciousness is in "deadened" state, unaware of the potential greatness we can achieve through alignment and equilibrium with moral truth.
We can revive and resurrect our deadened "spirit" -- our unconscious truer, greater, realer, and higher self -- by gaining knowledge of ourselves, consciousness, how we function, how our behavior manifests, the drives and motivations that have us act in certain ways, and to care for moral truth as an important part of our lives. This will revive us from being dead in apathy, ignorance, cowardice and laziness, into the realer, higher, truer and greater life of LIVING in morality.
That is the path and way of many moral characters, fictional or real. Morality is the path and way that will have us live in greater harmony and unity among each other.
I absolutely, 100% agree with your entire piece. There is NOTHING more liberating that I know of than honesty. Thanks for the amazing food for thought, as always @krnel!
Honest representation of things as we know them is important to be genuine, authentic, real and true in life :) Thanks for the feedback.
The human race is the type of animal that's something else. I can't think of a collective term, sorry. It's just that with our brain capacity and all, a lot do know the basic right or wrong. But choose the wrong option anyway because they don't care about what's good for everyone else. Motivations are more geared towards personal gain nowadays. Such that the small number of the rich and powerful stay rich and powerful. And they would do anything to keep it that way. Eff right or wrong. As long as they keep their loot, they can sleep through the night. In a way, we're the kind of animal that cannibalizes the soul of everyone/thing else. And anyone who attempts to change the awful status quo gets buried in the ground in more ways than one.
Yeah, sadly. I call is the predator-dominator mindset, making us death-dealers. We have the most power and most responsibility with it. We can create great evil. Keeping people int he short term thinking is an easy way to manipulate their behavior and keep them where you want them. Thanks for the feedback.
thanks for sharing this.. Learnt alot. I will work on reviving and resurrect my deadened "spirit". Thanks again. Resteemed
Hehe, the symbolism and imagery isn't literal, but it conveys a deeper layer of meaning when tied to analogies. Some people can't understand this type of explaining things, some do ;) I'm glad you're getting it. Thanks for the feedback and support.
Humans are the most evil creatures on earth because unlike other species, we know what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad. Yet we often choose to to something bad or wrong.
We have the ability to know, to discern, to reason. Some deny it in favor of supporting personal gain. Some are false thinkers who sound intelligent but lack true intelligence to be able to truly discern right from wrong. We have great power to do great good or great evil. Thanks for the feedback.
Hmm. Well, I am pretty sure my cat knew it was wrong to shit in my shoes. I'm pretty sure that squinty look in his eye when I found it was cat laughter, too.
I reckon other animals do understand right and wrong. It is not mere anthopomorphism that assigns to dogs shame when we see them looking sheepish after chewing our slippers, or tearing up the garbage and spreading it across the yard. It is seeing in our friends of other species what we recognize is the same feeling we ourselves have experienced, when we have been caught doing something we knew was wrong.
It is very important that we teach our children the difference between right and wrong, they learn from us. That is why religion is such an important part of our life that is where we learn right from wrong. So sad that most people today choose to ignore the right.
Religion is one place that teaches mostly accurate moral ways of living. But religion has issues. Thanks for the feedback.
Thank you for replying.
You are right, it is however unfortunate that morality is low in a huge amount of communities, and governments. In my country, South Africa, the president and a hug number of the parliament is totally corrupt, it however looks if things are on the brink of changing. Thanks for sharing.
That tends to happen -- whether for better or worse -- when chaos acts as a teacher to show us how wrong things are hehe. Thanks for the feedback.
Wisdom is the key!!
A Good thing is not always the Right thing and a Fact is not always the Truth!!
Blessings to you!!
It is easy for human to decamp and accept public opinions even though they are not right. However i believe because everyone thinks it's right doesn't makes it right. I think we need to seek the truth always by means of knowledge and understanding
Sounds good to me ;) Seek truth.
Learning to say 'NO' is not a shame but gaining knowledge instead of becoming part of being called a 'LIAR'
what a great post! loved it
Great! Glad you gained value form it :)
Morality and empathy is fundamental. Upvoted. Resteemed.
I can not agree with you.
"It is based on a clear understanding that things cannot be different from the way they are owing to the law of karma. Behavior is a consequence of conditioning and not subject to willpower. We are incarnated to work out karma, not to manipulate karma to conform to likes and dislike." ~James Swartz
Upvoted and also resteemed!
Yeah that can happen. But I was talking about going from polarity to the other ;)
The human condition, and human ability to transcend that condition. We are more than our parts.
Succinctly put.