What are borders? Are they allowed?

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

I see a lot of people advocate no borders. Some people even denounce attempts to protect borders.

Well, I'm all for real open borders in a world of sane people of higher moral living. But we're not there yet. Just like I would like to live in an anarchistic society... we as people that make up society aren't there yet to deal with that level of responsibility and freedom.


Are border invented? Yes. Is that your claim to delegitimize their creation and use? Maybe you also argue that borders keep people separated as well?


Did you know your house was invented too? And that your house is a border between you and others? You even have borders within the border of your house, with walls and rooms. Imagine that!

Are houses not legitimate then, because they are borders? It should be evident, that to argue against borders based on the grounds that they are invented, fabricated, etc., or that they "separate" people away from a global "unity" koombaya dream... is irrational.

But maybe you don't see that yet...

Hey I don't like my house, or my family, maybe I'm being harassed, abused, etc., so I don't want to live here. I'm just going to move into your house, OK? Borders are fabricated "illusions", so I don't recognize the fabrication of your house to better protect yourself by segregating or separating yourself in your own little area.

Does that seem legitimate to you?

Well, it's the same thing with borders. Wake up :)

If i want to let you into my house, thats my choice. If I don't, that's also my choice.

If I want to let you into other borders that have been created or fabricated in my area, by me and others who live here, then thats the choice of the people inside that border area too!

Local communities work the same way. Gated communities work the same way, except they have actual physical borders to better separate and protect their local area.


There are borders and barriers to a house, a community, or a country.

It's the same principle at work to create them: protection. Protection from others, but a house also protects from forces of nature. A house has the greatest level of segregation and separation for protection, more so than any community or country can have. Yet people aren't "whaling" about how illegitimate houses are under the grounds of "disunity", "disconnection", or "separation", are they?


Who ever needed borders!? What a bunch of fools, right? LMAO!


Like I said earlier, in a better world where people have reached a certain level of consciousness to understand how to live in full freedom and responsibility, then borders and barriers can potentially be removed. But that is always up to the individuals in a local area to decide, be it a house, community, or country.

I can have a house with me alone, or others. We decide how things function in that house. That is our area, and we make the rules within it.

I can have a larger area with me alone, or others, and do the same. (not that this happens in a country where we abdicate personal responsibility and give our voices to "re-representatives" to re-present us)

We establish rules for use of that area. Whether its exploitative and disregards many aspects of properly understanding what and where "ownership" can apply, or whether it's a "holistic" community that respect each other and their environment.

Walls or no walls, house or not house, it doesn't matter when we're talking about how borders and protection get created in the first place.

It starts with each individual, and then progresses outwards. We create, invent and fabricate borders in many ways. Using the fact that borders are invented as an argument to say they are "illusory", "bad", or whatnot, is foolish.

I could even live in an area, alone or with others, that doesn't have walls or a house, and just live in the open. This is more possible in warmer and moderate climate all year round.

My point is that borders are a natural mechanism we apply to our environment in order to protect and safeguard ourselves.

I have even made a post on the origin of the word economy, how it relates to house, household, hold, ownership, etc. Of specific relevance is:

Hold has this meaning of hiding, and euphemism of being a guardian, protector, keeper, watching over and tending of the "flock". It can be for good, or for evil to protect and hold onto property. When it goes wrong and dark, anything can be viewed as property of ownership, such as other beings.

The home, and other borders, are created by us in an attempt to protect and guard over ourselves, our family, our possessions, etc.


Because in our world, "might makes right" is still a primary ideology in our corrupted consciousness.

Even people who don't claim to live this way, still support it through their tacit acceptance or outright support of statism and external coercive authority. Until we raise our consciousness to higher moral living, we are going to continue to have to worry about our safety and survival. Unless we are someone that blindly has faith, trust and loyalty in government as their daddy-mommy-nanny protector, then I suppose that person already "feels" safe and has no need to think more deeply about what is going on in reality. Just follow and obey the orders of government.

If "unity" is truly your goal, then we each have a lot of work to do.

Lets each get our houses in order rather than clamor and wail for the fantasy of "blind unity" through emotional attachment to wanting things to be a certain way when they can't be that way yet. As I have said many times, truth inherently dividdes from falsity. True unity cannot be created until the darkness of falsity we are attached to as a way of life is let go of, and we seek the light of truth instead.

We have some cleaning to do in our houses - the alchemical inner-work of the warrior. Our individual temples, the house of our consciousness, is the most meaningful house we build our lives. We have work to do internally within ourselves to be a warrior. Have the courage to face the mirror, admit wrongs, and correct mistakes.

Another metaphysical house is the larger house of our communities that create the way we live.

The are metaphysical "houses"/"borders" of:

  • self/consciousness
  • community/interactivity

There are also physical "houses"/"borders" that extend from those previous metaphysical houses. There are multi-level communities of interactivity/inclusion: house, local, country, species, planet.

  • personal home and family community
  • local community "house", rules, borders, etc.
  • country...
  • species....
  • planetary...

There are many borders and separations in place for us to recognize or apply in diffeernte areas of life.

First we need to get our internal individual house of consciousness in order, then our external individual house, then the house of our community, then the house of our country, and then... finally... the house of the world can be united. Not until then.

It works from the inside out.

We can agree to not harm others, but that doesn't mean we are actually united in a way of life to move forward together. Unity is formed through unison, by being on the same page. Not harming others is just a first step to climbing that mountain of unity and doing the work to get to the top.

We have to start from the basics: ourselves! The individual! Understand how this cleaning of houses and setting up borders works for the individual first, then the group. Then grow outwards to understand the validity of borders in our societies, and when we can actually be "rid" of them.

Incompatible cultures can't unite. Their way of life diverges too much from each other to possibly unite. Yet, the socially engineered cultural marxism doesn't care about these real dynamics of human behavior, interactivity and how unity is actually formed. "They" are trying to force unity through forced multiculturalism, without having the outgrowth of unity develop from each individual outwards in a true decentralized authentic way. Centralized authority is trying to manipulate us into false unity which doesn't work.

Some people do get along however, as they are mostly on the same page as a way of life. So they just have markers for borders to let other people know they can't do what they want, as if it's their own land.



Borders and boundaries are everywhere in life, even in personal relationships like romances, friendships, family, etc. Stop rallying against borders. Borders aren't the problem, human consciousness is. That's what my main work tries to help people understand more of: ourselves (know thyself). We are all consciousnesses and we can all better understand how human consciousness functionality works across the board.

Fear is a large part of life. Do you want to work on removing borders? Then work on consciousness not creating wrong-actions and immoral behavior for others to fear. If there is nothing left to fear from others (practically) -- with no more lack of self-control that has other people demand statist external coercive control over our lives to protect us from those who don't control themselves -- then we can get closer to no more borders and the ideal of true unity.

Those who are stuck in a blinded myopic vision for false "unity" need to understand how unity really works.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-02-05, 9:57am


Excellent. I agree with you. I was cheering through the whole read.
Now, can you make a comparable analysis about the Berlin Wall.

What if someone builds a house to keep you in?
...a fence to keep you in?
...a border to keep you in?

Suppose you were a free range rancher in the Old West and a farmer put up a barbed wire fence to keep your cattle away from his crops (and the only path to water in the area)...

What if someone built a wall around the equator to keep one hemisphere away from the other? Is that wall your protection or your prison?

Yup, that's why the real way is based on mutual community agreement for their local area only, not about trapping other beings to do with as you want to dominate them with, control them enslave them, murder them, etc.

Solid post- love the first line and reflects my sentiment "Well, I'm all for real open borders in a world of sane people of higher moral living. But we're not there yet" .

Will be nice when humanity evolves or I should say 'revolves' to the point where we can live without borders and fences - instead of ownership we practice stewardship of land/planet.

The notion of borders being self created is a profound simplicity. Thanks for sharing this insight.

TL;DR: Buildings are mere reflections of minds that imagined them and saw through construction, and there was a reason giving will to the vision. When both sides of the wall grow up and rise above it, the reason disappears and then walls in minds shall follow and melt down, and only then buildings will become museums and warnings for the generations to come... Something like that ;)

Good analogy.

I couldn't agree more, especially with the opening lines prior to the first picture.

Well said, great article. Thanks for stating what should be obvious for the benefit of those whose judgement is clouded by emotions and propaganda.

It is not just a question of society or philosophy, even animals delimit their territory.

As an ancap, the only borders I recognize are property lines. Great article, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

^ if only more who advocate liberty were able to grasp this...maybe then they wouldn't be such hypocrites

If I understand correctly, you see no difference between gated comunity borders
Who are real people who agreed of building a fence or who moved into that fence willingly and knowingly

And say someone moves in you neigbourhood draws a lines say's this is the border Now pay me for the border and the protection I give you. You will think the border that that idiot draw will only dissapear when people feel safe from within and feel they don't need protection any more.

What about people like me living in that neibourhood saying that I don't believe in the lines that man drawed. Even if I was born in that neigborhood if I saw the mental fabrications of the forfather of the man who continieuss that story. I must believe that the border is real?

Also border don't divide one culture from the other culture there are plenty of borders going straight through cultures.

I get what you say by loosing fear thought in sense of the gated communities an houses, except the loosing fear with state borders has a lot more to do with loosing fear on who's on the inside of that border that of those on the outside.
And that is fear for the mafia the warlord and government and their mercenaries And loosing fear of the believers who believe warlords, mafia and government and all the stuff like law and borders and tax etc.
In your house or in the gated community it lies a little different.

I edited I added something.

Absolutely it's different. But borders and boundaries exist in many areas of life, was my point. And they are legitimate, border can exist. Again, not that the way things are done now are the way it should be done, i.e. centralized authoritarian rulers to decide what happens. But you're not going to get rid of borders the way the world is now. Consciousness needs to change, and dropping the fear of someone that can harm you, or the state harming you, is required. When Will the Tyranny and Corruption End? When We Choose to No Longer Support It Thanks for the feedback.

the point and goal of true thoughtful progressivism is to set examples, to point the way towards a more borderless society.

the opposite to this is reactionary convservatism, which will only ever repeat history over and over again (like Trump building walls).

I am still looking for my Utopia :) without borders

Border has been created through the 'I ego' of a human wants.
Awesome article.

Probably a pointless discussion, as borders will exist forever.
There are too many conflicting ideas in the world to thing different.
But a very good article discussing it!


limited life feels very detrimental to the life of our friend

You are confusing your right to build a wall around yourself, with your right to build a wall around all of us and make us pay for it. Anyone has the right to lock themselves up within their own space, they have no right to lock an entire nation.

I can have a house with me alone, or others. We decide how things function in that house. That is our area, and we make the rules within it.

I can have a larger area with me alone, or others, and do the same. (not that this happens in a country where we abdicate personal responsibility and give our voices to "re-representatives" to re-present us)

I said how it works. I don't advocate for statist centralized authority to do it. That's not me confusing it, as I mentioned how it fails as we currently live. That's your confusion for not understanding what I wrote ;) A community can choose to build barriers if it wants, and again, not that this is how we are doing it right now. Thanks for the feedback.

I don't advocate for statist centralized authority to do it

thanks, that does clear it a bit for me, you can tell I do feel strongly about this particular subject, I hope my comment was not out of line :D

Hehe, yes I know these issues are controversial. I just wanted to make the case of how rational it is to have borders (or not when appropriate). How that gets implemented, however, is another issues as well hehe ;) Thanks for the feedback.


Just remember walls don't just keep people out, they keep people in too. Because I was born in a place I didn't choose I ended up having a passport with certain limitations, this has nothing to do with me or my ability to comply with rules. Every time I hear someone giving credibility to borders I imagine they've never had these limitations. I don't wish for anyone to find out what this is like, but maybe people do need to experience it to learn a few lessons. I imagine a few passports will lose strength while others will gain in my life time, things change. Obtaining this freedom is nice, but you don't forget what is like not to have it. I wonder how people who had the freedoms and then lost them would feel like.

Morning, found your post so interesting. Love how when you boil things down to the micro (borders nationally speaking and then borders in the context of your home) brings a sense of reality to the situation. Otherwise, I was thinking of the Tower of Babel on reading your post, in that story, whatever your beliefs about it are - man seeks to become like God and so God creates tribes, languages etc to prevent man from ruining himself. An interesting concept perhaps when applied to the idea of borders and/or non-borders.

yup ppl can be pretty stupid...

when you can't advocate for liberty because you don't live in a utopia?? lol smdh

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