In an attempt at explaining how the world works, my father had told me as a youth that "you can do anything, as long as you don't get caught." He was trying to tell me about how there are things the government or police don't want to let you do, but you can do them without any problems coming your way as long as you can get away with it.
It's demonstrated in many ways. It also shows how a lot of the world works, even for government officials and police. They can get away with things the rest of us can't, especially when they don't get caught, but even when they do get caught they often get away with corruption or wrongdoings.
I think it was his way of teaching a lesson about doing things that aren't immoral, and even some that are, can be done as long as you don't get caught.
You can not wear a seat belt, and not get a police ticket, as long as you don't get caught by the dominating controllers who want to force you into doing it. That's not an immoral thing to do.
But it can apply in a negative way as well. You can also get away with immoral things, like stealing. You can steal or get away with murder as long as you don't get caught. That's why some people do things.
If a wrong action was guaranteed to result in getting caught and punished for it, I doubt as many people would even try. The urge or passion of the moment might still be an issue as you don't think about getting caught when you instinctively do something. But premeditated wrongs would be null as you are 100% guaranteed to get caught.
Essentially, there are two ways that the saying can be applied and reflect how things operate in the world:
- get away with immoral things
- get away with things the controllers/dominators want to force you to do or not do
One is about moral law, the other is about the legal system and so-called "law".
People can steal, assault, rape and murder. Some get caught. Some don't. Some get away with it. Some get punished with consequences applied for their wrongs.
If we didn't have anyone getting caught, wrongs would go on as long as the wrong-doer wanted to keep doing them. The only way for them to stop is to make them stop by acting in moral authority to apply consequences to behavior.
Applying consequences could be in an apophatic non-action way of removal of support, or through direct justified force applied as punishment of various kinds. Ostracism, expulsion or exclusion are methods in between. It has a long history of use in societies and communities, both on justified moral authority and also as a wrong in itself when someone stands for what's right but gets punished for it.
The politicians, police and other members of authoritarian groups in our system will create and uphold "laws" that force us into a certain way of doing things. Wearing a seatbelt or getting extorted for it is one obvious example.
Morally lawful acts that don't create harm are deemed wrong to become illegal or criminal. We can do these things and get away with it as long as we don't get caught. If we get caught, then the authoritarians want to punish us for not doing what they say, for not abiding by their system of control over our lives when we don't harm anyone.
Control and extortion is exerted over our lives so easily. The seat belt is the best example that comes to mind. Just because you don't wear a seat belt that risks your own life, the controllers and dominators justify stealing your money if they catch you not doing it. And we think we are free and accept this in our lives. It's pretty insane.
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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I watch a lot of murder/crime documentaries, and it's pretty obvious that most people get away with most things. The police only catch bottom feeders. The innocent are pronounced guilty all the time.
The justice (revenge) system has an order of operations. If you want to kill someone's wife simply frame the husband. No body, no crime. The only smart people that go to jail are either extremely unlucky or are a victim of their own hubris and over-ambition.
Have you ever wondered why shows like Law and Order: Special Victims Unit are so popular? They paint the opposite picture. The bad guy always gets caught just in the nick of time. It's a feel good fantasy so people can rest easy about the state of the world and forget about the fact that citizens are getting gunned down in the streets for no other reason than racism.
Yeah, good point. Real life things don't work out like the ideal of the good guys catching the bad guys. It's easy to frame someone by planting evidence. Then people are blind to the truth, as the "facts" are lying.
Outstanding post, as always, krnel.
I love the distinction you make between moral wrong, and mere violation of frivolous (even immoral) "laws."
There is the highest law of the land...The U.S. Constitution...and even though "legal precent" presumes to nullify much of it, it is still there, and when color of law violates the supreme law, we SHOULD disobey to whatever extend we need/want to, especially if we can get away with it...i.e. eroding the bogus police/surveillance state constructs is a good, EVEN PATRIOTIC, thing to do.
“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - Papers of Thomas Jefferson
Love it!!
Yes, if people do it in number we can change things. When we stand alone we can go to prison alone :/
Considering the entire system is based on divide and conquer it's an easy bet on the outcome. Even public school is a training ground for obedience.
Indeed. It's always dumb to be a martyr unless you KNOW it will actually make a difference, and nowadays it only rarely does, because nobody cares.
“Do as you will.” is the rule of Satan.
“Do as you will, provided you harm none.” Is the rule of the gods.
“Do as we tell you.” is the rule of government.
That's a good way of putting it ;)
I used to be a good law-abiding citizen.
I thought of people that didn't follow the law as bad.
But, that was before i knew the law.
The law actually states: "you can do anything, as long as you don't get caught".
The actual law states that you are guilty, and the state can punish you at any time of its choosing. No, this is me being pedantic, this is actual, factual, boots on the ground fact. People went to the gulags, most never having wilfully harmed anyone else.
I wish law was taught in school.
There would be a revolution before breakfast.
Yeah, statism can get pretty crazy, history and the present shows that :/
The State has no obligation to inform you of the law (and it is not in its interest to do so) are presumed to know the law under the maxim “ignorance of the law is no excuse.”
It’s the same reason we are never taught about money or it’s origin...
Yep. And for this very reason, the govern-cement should be punished.
But, that does very little good, as the actual govern-cement will just throw up some scape goats to be slaughtered and continue on, business as usual.
I like that we are heading towards transparency.
Basically, it will be in a database open to the public, or the public will make a block-chain database, and the govern-cements will be SOL
In this world two types of people live. One don't do anything wrong because their conscience don't allow them to commit anything wrong. Other types of people remain peaceful till they feel that their action will make them liable for jail. One is morally strong and other fears laws. However, most of the persons are in between these two types of people. They are honest because they had no chance to be dishonest.
This world is strange and full of surprises. Only morally strong people are capable of changing this world a place worth living. These are the people who can make this world a good place for everyone.
Yeah, many go with the flow and circumstance, standing strong in moral principle sis hard to do
On the other hand if you choose not to wear a seatbelt and then I crash into you and you die instead of having only minor injuries your family sues me then you actually created that liability for me didn't you?
In my state you have to be caught doing something else illegal before they can cite you for a lack of a seatbelt, so you can always drive right to avoid a ticket for that.
It's like drinking and driving, under most circumstances (except checkpoints which ought to be illegal) you are only going to be caught if you are doing other shit that is dangerous for everyone. I had a buddy that was great at drinking and driving. Driving a car on public roads is a privilege, not a right, because when people do it wrong then innocent people die.
That said I think seatbelt and DUI laws should be repealed, let nature take its course.
I want to talk about more dominators and controllers. We have to understand one thing we have more dominators and controllers as government because we gave that power to them and we take their words as definite and absolute when they are corrupted and they are hiding money for their families and they are creating their own dynasty by cheating on common people.
So, we have to aware about the wrong and right and just don't imagine if government is saying they are caring for you then most of the time that is fake because if they care about us then their practical actions would showcase that for sure.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Indeed, we blindly accept what they say with the power we bestow upon them, as if we're the ones with power and they are grateful for having it so they would be honest... lol
We have to understand the actual concept and if we follow everyone blindly then that will push us towards the darkness. 🙂
Perhaps true....but life has a way of at some point making you pay for it. Call it karma or God or something. it is all sorted out in the end. That is why one of many reasons we should endeavor to do what is right. There is unseen repercussions to immoral acts. Life has a way of eventually making liable for your free stolen or immoral activity. And if not life, in the hear after all things will be settled. Thaks @krnel
It only gets sorted out if people act to sort it out. Nothing will magically set things right. People have to act.
I used to use this phrase a lot when I was a kid. Mostly for justifying my cheating in exams lol. "It's not cheating if you're not caught."
If I have to choose between these two, I would choose the first one...I have to get away with immoral things. In this way, I don't worry if I get caught because I know that I did what is moral in the eyes of God though it may not be lawful for men.
Thanks @krnel for these wonderful insights...
yeah i can do anything :)
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."
Relevance: Corruption
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