I advise you not to read further if you are religious and/or easily offended.
has been a bit forward with his beliefs so I am joining in the debate
Forget About Science Vs Religion
I really despise most neoatheists’ stance towards religion. During the last decade or so, the action of non-belief has turned into a childish battle between science vs religion— ‘evidence’ took a central role for both sides. This is non-sense. Belief is contra to evidence. Science and Religion can co-exist in someone’s mind as separate realms. We do it everyday with concepts such as abusive love. One can love someone who is hurtful and be blindly stupid about it—like ignoring friends' advice—and still be able to operate as a rational being in the office producing excellent work. Humans are excellent hypocrites and carry tons of cognitive dissonances.
One cannot possibly use science in order to demonstrate belief or disbelief towards religion. The reason is simple; Science evaluates constantly and what it can be demonstrated today, can easily be refuted later on. Science is also subject to interpretation and public acceptance. Democracy usually takes over and as we all know, truth is almost never democratic.
”I Got Proof”
Whenever I see someone trying to provide "proof" for their religion is like watching relatives saying "Oh look at that baby boy, it looks like the father". No. It doesn't look like the father or the mother or the anxious uncle. It is a 48- hour-old toddler. It might as well look like a potato.
The commentary from relatives exists as a reassurance for the family that the baby belongs to the father. It is something cultural. A lie we all agreed to say to each other in order to make us bond in stronger clans. Belief works better if many people get into it. The difference between religious cults and someone who talks with flying elephants at an asylum is the number of people. Nothing else.
If you feel the urge to provide "proof" for your religion(theist) or irreligion(atheist) then you lost half the battle. Faith is not about "proof" or "evidence” but about belief. Irreligion is about non-belief. In both cases what matters is that they are very personal and subjective realms. If you are a religious Christian, this aspect is outlined very clearly in the Bible, which is afterall the word of the the Christian superdude. And please, refrain from saying “I don’t follow the Bible but Jesus”. You got to know Jesus through the Bible. You can’t treat a holy text like a buffet and expect people to take you seriously. I am a polyatheist (there are many gods I don't believe in). I never discuss religion to "show off" or to hurt people on purpose. Things change though when I see someone parading religion as the ultimate truth either directly or indirectly. @gavvet . I know @dantheman posted some things a while ago and his dad @stan rebutted it but seriously, some of the posts @gavvet has gathered recently (in order to make a series theme about faith) are borderline insane and need to be called out and subjected to public enquiry.
John 20:29 “how blessed are they who have not seen but yet believe.”
Romans 14:22 “The faith which you have, have as your own conviction-”
2 Corinthians 4:18 “We look not at things seen, but at things not seen.”
2 Corinthians 5:7 “for we walk by faith, not by sight.”
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Romans 1:20 “the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood from the things that are made.”
Now, I am not going to fill this page with excerpts to make a point. You can google them yourself. For starters, every single post made about the existence of Jesus as a person is false for one basic reason; Interpretation. Simple deductive reasoning and being honest with yourself when it comes to matters of the origin of something when all you have is a book.
The Blinding Personal Bias
The Sheer Absurdity
Let’s expand even more. If Mary, mother of so called Jesus, existed she must have been the most amazing con-artist that ever lived. Respect to her. Imagine going up to your husband and saying. "Look ...Joseph, I know it sounds weird ..but ...I am pregnant even if we didn't have sex. You see, last night…. God...hmmm... came into my sleep!.... and we got kinky and all…. with a... lily! I am having his son! Do you feel blessed Joseph? Do you?”. Not only she convinced her man about her cheating but the entire town. So much that it started a cult. If this was to take place today it would brake the ratings on Jerry Springer.
“But the Miracles!”
Most of the “amazing things” described in religious books such as visions, resurrections, people getting demonised, angels, dragons and all that cool stuff are actually stories, fables—much like the ones in Hollywood. They didn’t have cable or video games back then. People still needed to have some fun. Stories along their imagination was all they got. Most of the times they tried to pass ethical messages through their stories. Some stories ended up being religion since they were carried from mouth to mouth like a broken telephone game.
The absurdity hides in the details. Take for example the Resurrection which is central to the Christian faith. Jesus supposedly got resurrected right? As it happened the earth split in half and all the dead rose along his side.
and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life - Matthew 27:52
Seriously? The zombie apocalypse actually happened based on what the Bible sais? What happened to all those zombies? Are they still around roaming the earth? Why would any rational being buy into this story other than it was written in an “ancient book”? Let’s say you went to a toilet in a foreign country. You picked up from the magazine stand an old book of that country to kill some time in the loo. You read about the zombie apocalypse. Would you seriously say “Darn, I have seen the light!”.? The only reason people believe this nonsense is because we were brainwashed into it by our own culture.
Let’s examine the links posted
1/ >The Fossil Argument for the Existence of Jesus from @alexbayman
The Bible is proof for Christianity as much as Harry Potter is proof for magic. Fans and followers don’t make something true. Quite the contrary. Truth is rarely democratic.
Christianity was actually invented much like all the other religious and cults that you mention. Here is the man who invented it. A psychopath emperor, in order to raise an army of fools to fight for him bravely.
2/ >The biological father of Jesus from @miguel12
Jesus is a name. ‘Christus’ is a title and it means more or less ‘teacher’. It comes from the greek “χρισμένος” (chrismenos) and it means ‘the anointed one’. Pretty much every person that knew how to read and write back then carried the title. They were many “Christuses”. It remained in history as “the teacher” due to the followers. Same happened to “The Dude” from The Big Lebowski although we call our friends “dude”. No need to extrapolate nonsense semantics based on just a title. There are no secret names or hidden powers behind names. In the same way a girl named Midori (the colour green in Japan) does not have the power of nature (although many people in Japan believe this). Believing something does not make it true.
As for the rest of the article. Holy shit @miguel12 . That’s just trippy.
3/ >Is there a religious basis for science from @business
Science is a tool. Religion is a form of human inquiry and it can also be used as a tool. Obsolete tool, but a tool nonetheless. Just because some scientists were religious it doesn’t make religion ...scientific. In the same way, just because you are standing in a garage it doesn’t make you a car. I know. Amazing realisations.
Please refrain from posting such ideas because I am still young and I don’t want just yet to lose hope in humanity.
4/ >Jesus Christ Never Claimed That He Is God, Instead It Is Mentioned In Several Places Of Bible To Worship Only ONE God! And Why Muslims Are TRUE CHRISTIANS? from @princewahaj
Most of the document is nonsense and it can be turned upon itself. Example:
But unfortunately due to the same mindset, we see today that there are large number of Atheists because their main focus is to look at followers and judge by the cover of religion (Cover of Religion = Followers). In their view, the whole universe exists by chance, probability and yet they are not ready to believe that money can be planted from earth by chance and yet they go for jobs, yeah? But for what? to make money? If you're saying that this universe is a result of chance and there was no God who caused this universe to exist then why you can't believe that money will be planted for you automatically?
I am not even touching the rest of the article since it is borderline insane.Well, if @princewahaj accepts that something cannot occur by chance then how the heck did the Christian God came to be to begin with? Who created God? If he accepts that God came out of nowhere then why you have any problem with the universe existing from nowhere? If the answer is that “there is order” then kind reminder that 99.99999999% of the entire universe is a desolate dark place inhospitable to any form of life. Even here on Earth. This planet is called ‘earth’ but 75% of it is filled with saltwater—something that humans cannot even survive upon or under. If God created this planet with an “intelligent design in mind” and the entire universe just to make us part of an elaborate survival scheme on a suspended rock in space, then surely he is a masochist, a bad architect or both. Definitely not something be worshiped.
>Back to your assertions @gavvet .
Science is about the How - Religion is about the Why
This is a sophist’s mantra being repeated over and over again with no basis to reality. Science is about the how and the why. The why belongs equally to science as it does to religion, fantasy, and everything else in between. The why is subjective and anyone can ascribe any meaning to anything. Religion is something personal. Also, as we have seen lately from neo-atheism, even atheists can act like religious folks. Religion is a cultural phenomenon. Philosophy counters and answers the “why’s” of religion much more efficiently. Science in return is philosophy 2.0. It can give better answers to our questions but it is not to be taken...religiously as many today seem to do.
Making the Right Questions
describes in his post how he rather escaped from Christianity but really he is in the same page as Pascal and his wager. Both are making the wrong questions in regards to “God”. Most atheists make the same mistake as well. This is also why I refrain from calling myself an atheist but rather a polyatheist.
The concept of one God (Yahweh), as described from the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam is something new. New doesn’t necessarily mean correct. All these religions came from more ancient ones, specifically Mesopotamian and Egyptian that were polytheistic. This is why you have Jesus (Q-like Start-Trek guy) and then you have lesser X-MEN like individuals called angels. Religions always had a pantheon of Gods because people wanted to be strong, important, smart, be able to fly (or float on water), foresee the future and so on and so forth. Humans write a lot about what they want to become. Wishes are not evidence. @dantheman The question “Is there a God” is false. If you were writing a program @Dantheman and you were that vague it would crash. It is like saying “Is there chair”?. You have to define which chair. Where. Describe the context of that Chair. Give parametres and specific values. Therefore, when one makes the question about God they have to be equally specific. For example. “Do you believe in the existence of the Christian God of the Bible as endorsed from the approved Orthodox Books?”. Because really, all the evidence a religious person can have as evidence is old books that were treated like an open edit wikipedia article. Amazingly enough, believers of the other ~16,000 religions all over the world, provide their own ancient texts as evidence. Just because something was written down it doesn’t automatically transforms it as evidence.
Closing this long rant please also note that we live in a universe with trillions of galaxies containing billions of planets each. It is extremely naive to assert that Jesus saves from disorder. The whole universe is based on seeming order. The concept of order is subjective and demands a certain perspective. What is order for the spider is disorder for the fly.
Take a step back and consider the concept of “God”. A dude, all perfect, all awesome, bored as fuck jailing Sims-like individuals into a matrix, an illusion. A game, with a specific algorithm we call “natural laws”. If this is true then don’t be surprised if God is a spoiled teenager from another dimension in his room having fun. He tortures us with diseases, catastrophes, illusions, pain. A sadist testing his subjects. If we succumb to his game then we will be placed in a special part of the program in a state of trance in order to repeat paradise-like illusions. For Ever. I can come up with hundreds of these likely scenarios but never forget that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Just because I can connect the dots with recent scientific evidence (universe being a hologram and all) I cannot make up and story and just say “It is possible to be true, therefore i can believe it). That would be intellectually dishonest since there is a gazillions of these stories in different religions around the world, but, weirdly enough one choose to follow just one.
Have even considered the subjected of living forever? Have you seriously given enough thought towards infinity? Scale it down to pizza eating. Imagine eating pizza for a week. Awesome right? Imagine eating pizza for 4 years straight. Now imagine eating pizza FOREVER. 'Forever' is the biggest torture that can exist. We just don’t realise it because we have been brainwashed from a young age to fear something completely natural. Death.
(I will be writing more in the future. I stop here because this post is getting way too long)
Try to be an individual when commenting. Avoid savoir-vivre, sensationalisms, rhetorics and political correctness. If you don’t agree don’t upvote. If you like my ideas follow me @kyriacos.
The pig looks at a tree with so many apples. It cannot choose. A year passes and the pig returns to the same tree with all the apples. The pig's friends cajole the pig and humiliate the pig, "You cannot choose. You're a failure. Choose the apple, like we did! Join us, you moron."
The pig continues to examine each apple, trying to decide which one to choose. The pig cannot choose for it has not examined each carefully enough to decide. Another year passes. Another round of ridicule. The pig finally caves in to the other pig pressure. The pig just chooses the religion of the other pigs and stops thinking about the apples altogether.
Choosing one means losing all the rest. My religion is the unknown and I ascribe to no texts written by another author. If I am to choose a religion, it will be the one I write myself. These are my words. Maybe I will write a full post about this.
I agree with your article. The only complaint I have is that while you are busying yourself refuting others, there seems no time to create your own fairytale.
As far as I can see, you take some inerest in his fairytale now.
If that worked for him, how can you complain :P
I use the word, "fairy tale" as a metaphor. It is not used in the normal way, meaning, something ludicrous. It's used in the way of imaginative stories...
The fairytales written by men, tend to be a bit darker than your 'disney' version of a fairytale.
It wasn't a misunderstanding, yet thanks for the clarification.
Didn't mean to offend you either.
Some great points. Whilst I don't personally ascribe to any religious belief that doesn't mean I can't be spiritual but I think it needs to come from within you and your connection to the universe - not other people telling you about it.
define "spiritual" @thecryptofriend
I think the term is way too vague. its like saying "i am human".
we are all "spiritual" in different ways.
I can't that's the point.
I actually do have a fairy tale. I am unique amalgamation of nuclear waste floating on a desolate rock in space as a carbon composite.
I would love to see someone refuting my fairy tale. wanna try?
Fairy tales are not for refuting actually, they are for illustrating.
Is not the nuclear waste corrupting your cells?
Lol man you are your own worst enemy. I'm sure you are a hit at parties:)
I always like a good challenge :)
This is what a valuable post is about. I felt myself confirmed, I disagreed, I laughed (several times), I learned and I admired. Thanks!
This is how it should be. No one fully agrees with anything.
Me gusta lo que has publicado, Gracias por compartir. Si deseas podes visitar mi blogg, votar,seguir o compartir con tus amigos. Gracias
You might want to use English as I don't understand what you are saying
He likes your publication, thanks you for taking part.
something about visiting his blog, vote and follow or contribute with your friends. Thanks you again.
Looks a lot like spanish.
He sounds like my ex talking on the phone. Latin American spanish
It's spanish - as in - spanish.
It was a joke
I can read that sentence as clear as english apart from the conjunctivo thing. I'd have to look that one up.
The attacks you use to debunk religion I could twist also towards science and make it sound just as silly. It's guess work and historically just as wrong. Why when he says there is room for science and God, is an appropriate answer "No ,there is no God only science?"
I don't care to debate individual points, I just get tired of the arguments against what people believe using science.... which has a lot of unprovable assertations made as well.
Where did I use attacks to debunk religion? Can you please be specific?
Everything is guess work but extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. There is no evidence for religion so we can safely assume the non-existence of God.
If evidence comes forward the we can talk about it again. I never use science in these debates. Please read the article carefully.
Religion is not God. You cannot safely assume the non-existence of God by citing a lack of evidence held within a book(s). That's a logical fallacy. Ask a Christian Apologetic where they get their validation that God is real and I would bet most wouldn't say the Bible.
Maybe was a harsh word saying attacks. But both posts read the same to me, He was saying room for science and religion from a religious point of view, and parts of this say the same from a scientific point of view. I said debunk as you did at one point really say Jesus was a teacher and there were lots of teachers.... I don't see a need to point this out if it isn't to disprove.
He was JUST that. A teacher. no miracles, no floating on water and all that crap. He was probably a regular human being that got an insane rep from the crazy emperor Constantine
So..... prove he didn't. What do you want me to say here? A statement that attacks the central figure of a religion is an attack on the religion. Myself. I am not about organized religion, but I am religious and believe differently.
For example, you talk about eternity as a fucking bore..... you think of it literally. I imagine eternity as outside of time.... the concept of a day and week wouldn't exist as there is no linear progression. It's perspective... something can't exist that is outside of your acceptable boundaries of reality, and yet science also has stated time is able to be manipulated and is relative to passage in space.
It's pretty easy to attack people who believe in something you can't understand. Scientists who first talked about black holes being real things in the universe were met with the same ridicule. You mockingly refute @stellabella with "unique amalgamation of nuclear waste floating on a dessolate rock in space as a carbon composite." and challenge it to be disputed. I am sure there's a point your trying to make, but you aren't passionate about anything, you are simply mad other people are.
For a 'proof' of god, you'd have to assume there was only one truth. (?)
If there was only one truth, then more than one god would be impossible. (?)
I you believe in 'proof', you believe in one god. (?)
Does this make any sense ?
not really. try to be less poetic
The concept of 'proof' derives from geometry.
That's the whole basis for science.
Something everybody had to agreee on.
The Pyramids still stand proof.
Some rectangular bricks where put up in a way, that correlated to the movement of the earth and the seasons and whatnot and a god of winter and summer where disproven.
After everybody sorta had to agrre, that 'It works !' - the concept of proof was born.
Gemometry could be scaled up and down and represented a universal truth.
Polytheism was disproven.
Geometrists agreed, that a higher hidden principle of truth must exist.
Otherwise their Geometry will be prooven wrong.
If you read the bible a bit more poetically; it says like 100 times, that god is light and truth and there's only one.
Believing in one truth is sorta monotheism, no ?
Believing that 'science works' doesn't work without believing in god.
Any better ?
Yeah. Note though that I specifically say that science demonstrates. science cannot possibly prove anything.
oh well then read up on existentialism, nihilism and such.
you aren't the first one to formulate these thoughts - it might be worth a look.
I repeat: You start out on Rebuttal, Debunking and proof and heavy words like that.
Then: science cannot possibly prove anything.
If logic cannot proof anything then don't bother starting out like that.
Lack of discipline I'd call it.
Good luck !
It's nice to finally find someone who tries to remain sane in this Monthy Python skit of a world we live in. Mind if I follow?
I am also sick and tired of people all around me claming to have proofs and undeniable evidence of their beliefs...
Personally I think the whole world is a one big joke. I was a very hopeless case of a religious nutjob not so long ago. I used to believe some pretty fucked up shit. All the things that you said, I used to believe too at one point or another. But now I understand why I have been believeing this. And I understand why the rest of the world believes. But it still drives me nuts anytime they try to justify religion that I discovered to be nothing but bullshit.
Anyway, thanks for posting. Nice to see that I'm not alone in this.
As for the concept of living forever, I guess it would work if eternity it was divided into smaller fragments. Reincarnation is an example. But i dislike the idea of having to learn everything from scratch every time. I think it would be cool to relive the life on this earth with all your memories from the past life. It would be like a life on cheatcodes :)
Why would I mind if you follow @davidkay ? Feel free to do so.
Living forever would work if God forked the system once in a while preserving only parts of the original chain :P
I can't prove a negative. It is similar to saying "prove that unicorns don't exist". hence they could be real. This is not how the world works. The burden of proof is on you. Not me. In order to make the claim that he existed you need evidence.
As for the eternity part. I like how you like to imagine it - but - if time doesn't exist in eternity, then only stillness can exist - hence death.
I am not mocking @stellabelle . I stated a very factual epistemologically sound statement. I have evidence that I am just that. I can touch that evidence and put them under rigorous investigation. I can't do the same with Jesus. I can only see him on burn toasts from time to time - and i am not sure if its him or a hippy down the street
So help me get your point across. What are you exactly trying to say?
I am very well versed both with extistentialism and nihilism. You need to read up on basic epistemology before framing everything with philosophy.
Newton used to demonstrate different things than Heisenberg even if they had the same subject. Th enquiry evolved. They were both scientists. Like I said, science never proves. Science can only demonstrate based on the techniques it uses (and there are many tecniques). Most likely, in the future, some other scientist will add to this puzzle of demonstrable refinement
You are jumping to conclusions way too fast. Get a hold of your self.