I don't know why the word 'free' is even in it at all. It is your will. Your will is the compound of epigenetics, genetics, and your entire developmental process up to now. If your will was free, could you not choose to suddenly like tomatoes when right now if you eat one you want to vomit?
The problem comes from the yawning gaping nothing that you have to accept if you take the 'magick' out of your awareness. But it's just silly, it's hubris even. The computer's 'consciousness' has a focal point called the 'program counter'. It uses this to know what address it needs to operate on next, or what it is operating on now, if it happens to be querying this.
Our consciousness is nothing more than this also, a focal point of a system that is taking in data, processing it, and making an evaluation. There is multiple levels of it. I am sure that if the average free will fan goes to a hypnotist that the hypnotist can make them do all kinds of things that the person would not choose to do. There is a lot of processes that have absolutely no conscious decision making process. We don't choose to make our heart beat. Even that dividing up of things itself can be kinda shocking.
The illusion of unitary consciousness is not an illusion, it is just a tiny part of what the brain does. It is the part that can even look back on itself, looking back on itself, looking back on itself, etc. Like the poet, I forget who, maybe it was Byron said.
Fundamentally we humans are evolved, out of millions of years of competition between animals, and lots and lots of bloody violence, come to that between animals and plants as well, and animals and the weather - We are evolved to predict the future.
The central act of the human is to correctly perform a series of acts that results in a desired outcome. All else is an abstract of this. It is about survival, it is about lust, it is about comfort, and fundamentally, about relieving discomfort.
There is nothing free about this. It's bloody hard work. The only 'freedom' comes in annihilation. We are free to choose wrongly but we are not free to escape the consequences. This is why I am saying that it is nonsense to call it 'free'. It's YOURS. Not someone elses. That is what freedom really means, to not have someone else's will imposed on you without you having first intruded on theirs.