may be 'guidance' would be a better word to use that dicipline :) all though I would say that communicating what is right and what is wrong i wouldn't deem as violent as they need to understand that somethings are acceptable and some not- how else do you 'guide/discipline- shouting is not communicating and I would agree with you there that this would consitute a form of violence as it can instill fear from an early age- reasoning with a 2yr old in full tantrum also does not work, so my way was to be firm in voice and remove said child to 'naughty step' so that this re-enforced that bad behaviour is not tolerated. No spacking, no shouting and less fustration...In a teenager this is not possible, so other methods have to be resorted to - usually internet loss and mobile phone, amazing what result you get if you take these away!!
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I am not here to tell you how to parent nor what is right or wrong. I am simply saying that to take something away is FORCE just as it is FORCE to put someone in time out.
This is not right nor wrong it simply is what it is. It may not be violence in comparison to shouting or hitting but it is still violence.
Even violence is not right nor wrong, it simply is what it is. I am only sharing depth of conscious perspective nothing more.
I appreciate you having a dialogue with me here and exploring this very important issue.