Does it always stay at 20%? Does it mean the 20% is replaceable? What if there is an increase? Does that mean the 20% will become better to create a new 20%? Is it possible there is a decrease or increase in both percentages? Oh, I see. There are exceptions and the numbers are not absolute.
Why are there more questions? Do I know what I am even asking about? lol!
I think the goal of philosophy is not to arrive to absolute conclusions but to make us think outside the box in the search of perspective. So its a good think to have questions, its a great think to ask them and its a powerful thing to recognize that we don't know something.
It is comforting though to have something to hold on to and something to believe in. The unknown and unanswerable questions can be bothersome and creates fear and anxiety.
Yes of course, brilliant observation of the human condition.