You argue that because things do not cease to exist completely, there is something wrong with the topic of zero. Certainly, there are other verbs like "have" where zero applies very well with many people. People do not normally phrase things using zero because our grammar has a special case for zero:
The phrase "I have no daughters", does not include the word zero but is equivalent to "I have zero daughters." Yet, who talks that way?
Now square roots of negative numbers are like ridiculous problems like
x * x = -1. Solve for x.
Now, that's like saying I have a house with an area of -1 square meter and it's square. How long is each side? Of course that is just ridiculous. What does it mean to have an area of minus one square meter? It has no meaning.
Infinity is a symbol used when you want to express an upper limit for something that doesn't have one. The concept of a limit also includes that you may not actually obtain that limit.
Consider this: {1 - 2n }. That is {1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16, ... }
You can ask what is the maximum value of the expression above?
This defines a sequence like this: 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16 and so on. There is no maximum to this sequence but the limit is 1. 1 is it's lowest upper bound. So, if you ask what is the maximum of this set? There is no answer. The question is invalid as "the maximum" has no referent. So, you don't get a number.
Now, take the sequence {n}
There is no maximum. This is the N set: {1,2,3,4,5,6,...}
Any number in that set is smaller than another number. There is no maximum. Just like the other sequence but there is no number outside of that set that is larger than all of the others. In the previous example 1 was bigger than all of the values and it can be shown that it is the smallest such number. We write infinity as a limit because it is a concept that expresses "no limit", but it is not a real number.
You need to edit your comment. Not enough back ticks, and your 2nd formula is missing.
The problem with infinity and asymptotic is that they rely on the idea that you can always add one to a number.
In real life you can't. Take any set of real objects, such as all the atoms in the universe. And, although that is a very big number, it is not infinity. And if we are talking about atoms, there is no meaning to one more, when you have all. And math being a tool for expressing physics, it shouldn't give us meaningless results.
But, this would imply that the series above go to 15/16 or to 6. Two very real numbers. To go outside that bounds just ends up in meaninglessness.
Further, there may be a number that is designed as the maximum number in this universe.
Kind of like the plank constant. There is no zero, there is no approaching zero, there is the plank constant or nothing.
If there is such a number, then we need to calibrate our maths to that number.
I think I am stretching this far, but having no daughters doesn't mean that they can't possibly exist.
So the fact that you haven't had 2 daughters doesn't mean that it would have been impossible for you to have it.
So in a parralel universe it would be totally possible for you to have 2 daughters.
Yes the concept of "zero" implies absolute non-exsitence, which I have already debunked in my metaphysical articles.
There is a big difference between things don't happening yet, or improbable things VS impossible things.
Zero implies impossibility, and that is simply just not possible. And the conclusion of this statement is that all things are possible eventually, only that their probabilities are low.
No. Because instead of only "there are". There is also "I have" and also "I have been".
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Let's hope your math is right. Is it that your assets invested valued at 150% or you have 150% more than before?