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RE: Can Oneness and Separation Co-Exist?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Although I like the ideas of oneness and connected consciousnesses, I also doubt their realism.

I like to think that our individual lives are parts of a much bigger life – evolution. We are distant relatives to all forms of life on our planet, including monkeys, wolves, whales, orcas, dolphins, minnows, flowers, and trees. The life as a whole, as the evolution, as the ecosystem whose part we are, continues long before and after our individual death. Thus, we all contribute to and enjoy a bit of the ongoing, bigger life, in addition to our individual lives.

I find this approach a bit more moderate that the oneness, while still having a similar underlying idea. : )


That's a great way to link it together without disregarding the parts. I'll have to use that one ;)