Feudalism 2.0 A Response to: 'Done away with feudalism...'

in #philosophy8 years ago

This seems reasonably accurate for the parts we can see.
It is clear that there are large pieces missing, especially at the top.
Also, it's a pyramid, and it's a rainbow. I don't know what that means,
but I seem to remember it from somewhere.

This is a response to, https://steemit.com/philosophy/@dwinblood/so-we-think-we-ve-done-away-with-feudalism-dynastic-monarchies-etc-nah-they-just-wear-costumes

Please visit this post and upvote.

The global feudalist order was accomplished when the communications
were laid between continents. The rest has been a fleshing out, putting in
the details. The signal is what matters. The rest is improvement. We've
been given a few more crumbs than our ancestors, so that we can provide
the usurper rulers with higher precision tools to further their ends,
including ruling us and disposing of us when we become a liability.

I wouldn't bet that I've ever knowingly seen any of the real schemers.
People like the Rothschilds still get old and purportedly die. I have seen
enough to guess that the truly powerful should not have to age like the
rest of us.

Somehow I have a difficult time taking this seriously.

Who are they, and where are they? I've found little of which I'm certain.
I know that we are capable of an amazing amount more scientific
advancement than is commonly available to us. The first 3D printer I
saw was in 1989, and it made machine quality parts from aluminum
powder.In the end I don't think the limits on our technology is only
ignorance, incompetence, and greed manipulated markets. If you look
in the right place, the fact that we are manipulated around the world
is like a neon sign calling us all rubes in flashing red light.

We've been guided right along like wind up toys. There are many people
who can only go where they're pointed. The Milgram experiments, and
subsequent repeated experiments seem to show a rate of consistently
over 60% of people who will obey perceived authority even at the cost
of another person's life.

It's ten o'clock, do you know where your children are?

Cloned lives matter.

All that's needed is a good story and cool toys, and a majority of the most
testosterone heavy segment of the population will gladly march into a
wood chipper if someone in authority tells them to.

Some will do anything anyone tells them to do.

images: tleussink.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/feudalism_then_now.jpg


I think these are on top

Homo Capensis, that's what Karen Hudes said.

I'm still looking for current evidence.

Yep, I saw it was renamed to something else but the fact of the matter is, who named it? Do we have evidence? A taxonomy?

I think some DNA tests were done. One of the skulls even appears to have hair left. I don't know of the outcome. It would be better if we could see a live one.

Ah yes that's true! Well colleagues of Karen Hudes have apparently seen one walking around.

I do not think it impossible. There have been many other hominid species documented. There are individuals walking around today, that exist, in part, by the function of their neanderthal DNA. Why not have another rare hominid that has survived by their, demonstrably, great big head full of brain. It is a fascinating possibility. The result is the same. We are enslaved, and the next step seems to be how are we enslaved, and how to start being free. Once I get my cure for aging, I'll have lots of time to study cool things like terrestrial xeno-anthropology. I've had to prioritize increasing the amount of time I have to exist. With that accomplished, I'll have time to study the species that is trying to exert ownership over me. Until then, I need to identify the modes of control, and the organized methods, to invent a way around them. It's an engaging problem with many aspects.

You know we are very similar in our goals! Fascinating, never would have thought I would virtually meet someone like you, cool!

I agree, but I still wanna go to war! ;.;

jk, to extend on what you mentioned, I think patents are a major hold-back for technology. You probably heard of big corporations buying patents, just to not produce the invention? This is done to protect them from alternatives to their big brand products. And on patent in generell: Does everybody really have to invent the wheel to use it? When I come up with a cool song or rhyme, should I really demand a dollar when somebody else sings it?

Thanks for the comment.

I did a post on patents a while back. I think that patents are used to control the release of technology, for sure. I don't know how many have gone missing, but if we only used the expired patents that are still there we would be way ahead of where we are now. It's, at least, a good place to get ideas for further invention.

I am not a fan of patents either. I understand WHY they are created. Yet the ends does not justify the means in this case as far as I am concerned. I believe the patent system does more harm than it does good.

How about, do an around end run on patents, such as with the cool song or rhyme. Put them on steemit/blockchain where they live time stamped in perpetuity. Then do as you will; market, collaborate with others or give them away and watch the developments.

Most patents are expired. They are free to use. Good idea about preserving the knowledge in the blockchain. I've been using links to saved pages on archive.org.

Interesting and fun article!

Thank you, much appreciated.

I like it. With one exception. The Central Banks themselves are structured like corporations. So while they are a very specific type of corporation, they operate similarly. I do believe your pyramid is accurate except for one thing. The top of the Corporate pyramid should be the shareholders who OWN the Central Banks, and these same shareholders generally OWN large chunks if not ALL of many of the largest and most powerful corporations.

There are lots of names missing, and it's a bit difficult to find an interlocking, interwoven representation. It should really be at least one more dimension, probably two. I also notice the conspicuous absence of Royal families still in play. I also don't see the 'church' or the 'intelligence' communities represented.

The centralbanks shareholders are just frontman for the black nobilty.

Is there an easy way to know who is and who isn't, and how to put them in context of the hierarchy of control. I don't know how the power brokers keep all of their allegiances in order of priority.

and in John Coleman's book The conspirator's hierarchy: The committee of 300You'll find more info at http://thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Black_nobility

Fascinating article and the missing pieces at the top are still unknown, until they are specifically identified.
One solution may be: A meme and an intent (saying/meditation or thought) which is circling our globe everyday is: "May Truth Be Revealed". Four easy words, omitting a definitive 'the' and typically done at noon local time or whenever one thinks of it. This has been circling and building this wave of intention, already for some time. Thoughts are things, join in if you please.