Yes, your post is a beautifully articulated and well reasoned plea for valuing the gifts love bestows, whilst also honouring the active principle of DOING love in each and every day...the consistent continuous labour of love!
To add to Brene Brown's etymology findings, I would say that the word courage also derives from the French word for the heart..."la coeur" courage therefore being the rage of the heart, the passion and bravery that touches us all deeply when we are in touch with the power of our emotions.
And speaking of touch my latest post covers this from a slightly different perspective and also encompasses some etymology!
So I hope you had a courageous Valentine's Day! 💚
I had an expected Valentine's day. I acted accordingly. Also, nice written response to the infinite ways we are all connected and "touch" each other's lives
Quite so and thank you for your kind comment.
Words are meaningless without action to back it up!
Looking forward to remaining in touch with you😊