"If everything was determined why do anything? "
That suggesst the meaningless of action...
"perception you would be like locked in syndrome with your body moving on it's own, cause you have no freaking choice, while the fact is you have and the choices that you and others make, in conjunction with natural law, determines the outcome that you will experience in the future"
Perception has nothing to do with free will. You are life. An existence conditioned by mixture of deterministic AND RANDOM events, which flows through experience.
Natural Law is the only real totalitarian system. NOTHING in universe can act separate from natural laws. Like I mentioned, free will suggests that you can act freely of influence of natural law. It suggests that it is not natural law (your biology, neuro-chemistry, influence of environmental factors, random events etc) which directs your actions and conditions (the way you think) but that it is your own separate condition beyond those laws. Every single thought and actions is based upon your brains response to environment upon all experiences which you have acquired in he past.
The food you eat, ideas you get attracted to and expresses, people you are sexually attracted to, knowledge you have. EVERYTHING has been determined by your experiences. All the illusion of choices you make are rooted in what you brain learnt. It is impossible to make a "choice" in certain direction, without your brain learning first that you can go in that direction.
Please watch the above video by J. Fresco.