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RE: In Defense of Fairness

in #philosophy9 years ago (edited)

Idea of fairness is subjective if it is derived from socially constructed morality.
Fairness is not subjective anymore if it is derived from science. Science has discovered a lot in the subjects of human behavior and social engineering.
It can tell us what behaviors are fair (sustainable) and why.

Steemit in the state it is now is probably one of the worst examples of unfair social projects, I have discovered so far. Hopefully it will change in the future by changing how it works.


I'm sorry that I can't upvote this post since it was made shortly before the payout time and the system won't let me. I have to say that I agree. There is vast inequality, and clearly fairness is a matter of equity. There are changes that need to be made for sure. But also I'm hoping that by the whales powering down things will start to level out... Payouts need to be flattened as well. Unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon.

You can still upvote for no reward but it's ok no need to upvote, actually. Thanks for offer anyway.
The reason I posted this reply is not to get a buck but express a point of view.
Thank you for your reply. I'm glad that we agree on that :-)

Oh and one more thing. It is obvious that such whale as dantheman would not admit that Steemit is unfair, but instead criticize those who try to point it out. Self evidently, the unfairness here does not affect him.
The picture of crying baby as alluding to those who criticize the inequality, only exposes his attitute...