
My sole purpose on this platform is to try to write good content and to try to seek it. At the same time the ultimate feeling I seek is happiness. And believe me I wasn’t happy when I’ve started to share my metaphysics and didn’t receive single response. When I try to share my thoughts for example about what should be improved on Steemit I’m not sad that no1 reads it. It’s just a brainstorm. But there are things that I have worked a lot on during my life and posting it for 5 viewers is in my eyes just not enough :).

Well, then You got one more viewer and one more follower, I will read your posts. Enjoy a little bit more on steemit.

Not gonna lie, that made me happier :P.

Great, enjoy the rest of the day. Steem on.

Same here! I'm interested and following. For you deep thinkers may I suggest a you tube channel...... "chiron last" start with the first in a series of three titled "copy of the golden web."

Sounds interesting...gonna check it out

I think you should. Do me a favor. Later down the road after you check it out shoot me a reply on your thoughts. It's a deep rabbit hole.