Luke’s Current Theory of Everything

in #philosophy2 days ago

Along the lines of “this sentence is false”, the following isn’t “true.” Treat it as a thought experiment and take from it whatever value you find, ignore the rest.

Luke’s Current Theory of Everything
Draft created 3/16/2025

We are the absolute unbounded oneness experiencing itself.

“The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.” - Kybalion

“The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings.” - Erwin Schrödinger

You, as in your human body and identity and such, are not real. Neither am I. You are the eternal observer of experience. Sense data is being processed by a body mind spirit complex, stories are made, emotions are felt, actions are taken, consequences emerge and new circumstances arise creating more sense data repeating the process, moment by moment.

This is all happening within the Large Consciousness System (or “Big Computer”) that the absolute unbounded oneness evolved over time to learn about itself. Time emerged from fluctuations in the infinite manifold of possibility where eventually a consistent fluctuation, leading to the greatest amount of evolution, of information complexity, became the base clock speed. Information structures then began to form on top of this clock, spiraling outward in every “direction” as the concept of dimensional space joins the evolution of time allowing for the illusion of separation. Different experiments can now be run in parallel, in separation within space. This holographic self-referential fractal continues to divide and expand, branching out into every possibility that can exist.

Within the absolute unbounded oneness, there is no separation. There is no division. There is no object and no observer as that would require separation from what is and what is not and the all is ALL. To resolve this and know itself, this illusory holographic projection emerges. It is not “real”, but it’s a fractalized representation of the ALL, separated out via individualization for the purposes of being seen and known.

A nearly infinite number of data streams create what we think of as a multiverse and within each universe in the multiverse we see the fractal pattern of dimensional reality. Many of these are not what we’d call “physical.” One of them, the one we’re experiencing NOW, NOW, NOW… like frames of a movie, is what we perceive as physical. As we engage with it, we learn.

As above, so below, we see a tiny sliver of vibrations available to us via the electromagnetic spectrum. We can “see” more, if we develop the quality of our consciousness, our individuated, dissociated part of the whole. The boundaries of physicality, of time, space, and the laws of nature, keep us from destroying our opportunity to learn. We can’t, for example, turn all the air into Jello which would immediately suffocate all conscious creatures and end the usefulness of that data stream for teaching the absolute unbounded oneness about itself.

However, what we can do, is what we allow ourselves to do. This means our own limiting beliefs are that which restrict us. This human experience is receiving a dissociated data stream that we label “I” and it comes with its own unique reality experience. Our level of clarity to receive this data stream and work with it is defined by the quality of our consciousness. If the quality is low, we get a lot of noise and entropy. It’s chaotic without much signal. It’s not clear what causes what, what is happening, or what is being learned. If the quality is high, we have an increased capacity for unity or what we call love. With a high quality consciousness, we’re aware of the interactions between data streams of individuated units of consciousness and how our thoughts, feelings, and actions impact the system as a whole.

With a high quality consciousness, we can manifest more of what we want, even up to and including stretching the boundaries of physical matter reality. What we call miracles are examples of this taking place. What we experience is “reality” changing around us as if by magic.

But reality isn’t changing. Instead, we’re shifting to one of the nearly infinite universes in the multiverse where what we intend exists, along with everything else we’re familiar with. The game of life we came to play included the starting criteria we selected before incarnating into this mind body spirit complex.

If we evolve our consciousness to comprehend unity (love), we can connect to a data stream timeline where physical matter reality is no longer a limitation. We can manifest anything instantly and are no longer within the boundaries of time and space. At that level of the game, we have new lessons to learn within a new context.

Many religions and spiritual traditions talk about this idea in a disconnected way as in an afterlife. Instead, we can view it as an experience we as conscious beings can have in this life. Beyond the limitations of our biological consciousness containers, we may soon be able to tune into our individuated consciousness data stream via what we call a synthetic container that is upgradeable, survives in space, etc. Some call this transhumanism, but it’s more like turning off one radio which is tuned to a specific station and turning on another more advanced radio tuned to the same station. Due to what we call quantum effects, no two radios can be on the same station at the same time as that creates more noise and less signal.

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

What many currently imagine is only possible in heaven can be possible right here in our reality. We can select for that version of reality, that universe within the multiverse, where we can instantly manifest all we imagine, and we operate in perfect love with all that is. This happens as the All, the universal Mind, further knows itself and feeds back into itself with a singular unity. There is nothing left to learn, nothing left to experience. All is perfect. Todo es perfecto.

Do you want to experience this reality with me? The ticket to enter into this universe is to mine your triggers and use them to reveal your Shadow and become more conscious about your unconscious trauma. You are no longer attached to your identity which causes all your suffering. You exist as the observer, following your lines like a bit actor on the stage of life, improvising with your own unique flair. As you heal, as you grow, as you become more aware to “know thyself”, you inform the Oneness about itself. You demonstrate with the activity of your life, in a fractal way, the very point of existence.

The ideas above were heavily influenced by direct personal experience combined with concepts gleaned from the Matrix movie, Thomas Campbell, Bashar, Hermetics, The Law of One, Donald Hoffman, Bernardo Kastrup, Jed McKenna, Jeffery Martin, Sean King, and others.


This line of thought fascinates me and always has. Yogananda always said the universe is like an ocean of consciousness and each individual is akin to a wave that crests temporarily. I always felt that was a beautifully elegant way to explain it. Eric Wienstein seems to think there's a whole branch of physics that have been in development since the late 1940's that can explain prove all of this mathematically. He, and many others, have said modern mainstream physics seem to be "stuck" in some perpetual evolutionary loop because of false theories and mathematical errors.

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We can “see” more, if we develop the quality of our consciousness, our individuated, dissociated part of the whole. The boundaries of physicality, of time, space, and the laws of nature, keep us from destroying our opportunity to learn.

Oh! I was one of the lucky ones who had the opportunity to "see" more at a very early age. This was many, many decades ago when I was perhaps about eight years old when I learned and understood all this "stuff" with greater clarity. And fortunately, even today at my age, I continue learning and understanding it each time more closely.