I didn’t intent to troll vegetarians or vegans with that comment. It’s a joke I’ve heard most of my life, and I thought it was fairly common and uncontroversial in the way any off-color popular joke would be. I see how you or others could take it differently and for that I apologize if it implied something I never intended. I don’t think it implies enjoyment in killing, but enjoyment in eating because our species is omnivore and does enjoy meat (for the most part). My family uses locally sourced CSA for both our meat and vegetables. All the meat we eat has been grass fed, pastured, and lived a good life. You assumed something about my perspective there. We’ve visited and met with our farmers directly. I’ll be the first to agree with you mass meat production is an atrocity, and I don’t support it other than an occasional treat eating out as a family at a restaurant. I support the farm-to-table movement in restaurants as well and hope we see more of it.
If you want to blame me for billions of years, that’s your prerogative, but I think I’m doing my best here to honestly address a complicated issue.
I appreciate your views, but I don’t practice Jainism. I do see distinctions between species. I do think different animals have different levels of consciousness and that does inform my thinking on the topic becuase to me, capacity to feel joy, pain, and complex thoughts does directly relate to morality.
Thanks for bringing up TMT. I enjoyed skimming the Wikipedia page.