right now, most whales didn't earn that position, they created it for themselves
that's not fair; they didn't earn it
Can you explain to me how they didn't "earn" it? Do you mean they didn't "earn" it through starting with 0 and posting / curating to earn it? Or do you mean they mined earlier than others?
To me, they more than earned it because they built it or were really early adopters willing to take risk to mine and promote something brand new. Without their efforts, none of us would be here. That to me, is earning quite a bit.
If, in the future, hundreds of thousands of people are working hard to get noticed so they can get $0.05 here or there on a post once in a while, will they claim you didn't earn your position of 655 Steem Power because you were here earlier than them?
That's empirically false. View the blokchain data if you disagree.
is in contradiction with
which you said originally. That's the point I was trying to make. Does Steemit have an economics problem? It's very possibly it does, and I've been very vocal about that already in posts like this.
I assume by "childish" you mean irrational? To me, if they did indeed "earn it" (as you're now saying they did and that's no problem), then how is that "unfair"? If I create something, do I have the right to destroy it by making bad decisions (if that's indeed what's happening here)?