Hello my friend. I have missed browsing around here but school opened last week and we've been pretty busy.
I also have an issue with my writing, which is why I haven't written much lately. I've noticed I write about myself way too much. Even if I write about something not about me, I still have so many "I"s in the text. It's something I've been reflecting on and trying to adjust within myself.
I agree that money makes life difficult. But also agree that it's our attitude towards it that can change.
Perhaps if we manage to live in the now and enjoy the process instead of chasing some big reward we've been promised at the end of some very distant rainbow that keeps moving farther away as we chase it, then we will be happier and the rest will follow. I don't know.. but I'm going to try it.
I hope you are getting better and recovering from your flu!? Big kisses to all your critters.
Lots of love,
I eye I am going to have a conversation about your writing, because I Love it. My favorite story you wrote was about you traveling to see a friend in a very cold place In Italy maybe.... Eye was so disappointed that it didn’t make more money for you, because it was perfect. Took me there, felt the cold, the discomfort, your loyalty to your friend, the cafe where you warmed yourself.
We are such harsh critics of our own behaviors. So I want to say what your Dad might say don’t worry about the imperfections just live life. People are just People. Eye want so badly to read about your latest adventure. We( your followers are far from perfect) so please don’t be so hard on yourself.
Feeling better every day and the critters are all doing a good job of keeping an I on me.Lol🐓🐓Much Love
Thank you. Eye appreciate your words so much. 😘