The Deadliest Christian LIE Ever Told!

in #philosophy7 years ago


First, "we do not fight against flesh and blood… "

The Jews did not kill Jesus!

Never say that accusation again!
… And correct those who do! ( blame it on me)

More death, lies, and propaganda have come out of this miss attribution.

Who killed Jesus?

This was a group effort, but with a paradoxical twist.

  1. The Romans officially executed him.
  2. The Jews pressured the Romans to crucify him because of their Law.
  3. The Law killed Jesus.

The paradox is that God's own Law instituted in the Old Testament killed Jesus. The Jews are not the bad guys in this.

Everyone was looking for a political Messiah; they got one. Ironically the government that Jesus was overthrowing was the theocracy of the Law from the Old Testament, not the Roman government.

God came in the flesh as Jesus so that he could set the record straight. When Jesus said, "it is finished!", he was referring to the end of the Law, and the beginning of the epoch of grace.

God the Father created the Law, and He is the only one who could stop it(correct/amend/fulfill/glorify)! Yes, Jesus did fullfill the Law. He fullfilled it with his life and teaching of grace and love. Jesus only two commandments are to love God, and to love everyone else.

God has always loved us. God has always forgiven the sins of those that have asked for it. People have always been saved through faith. The cross did not change this. Abraham was saved through faith and not through works: Romans 4.

•the Jews were just following their convictions from the Torah. Jesus prayed for them, "forgive them for they know not what they do".
•the Law crucified Jesus.
• Jesus said, "It is finished" & then the temple curtain was torn in two.


Grace has replaced the Law. You can find forgiveness from God by simply asking him. We are free.

If you have hate, have unforgiveness, or are simply rude, you are lost, and you are blind. If you think you know the way, you are wrong... you are in the dark.

Admit your hate & ask for forgiveness so that the light of God can illuminate your life!

1 John 2:
9Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. 10Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in himb there is no cause for stumbling. 11But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.



golly what a serious issue

Wow I have learnt alot from this. You are actually more sense out of Bible.