Conceptual Concepts about Conceptualism - Thoughts on Governance and Anarchism

in #philosophy7 years ago

   It’s been probably a year since this happened, for reasons I can’t really justify anymore, I ended up sitting through a public hearing downtown regarding some possible development in my home city. All the Mr. Mayors for the county with the exception of one, or two were sitting there looking very Mr Belverdereish.

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   Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I’m a full blown anarchist/nihilist who thinks it would be best if it all burned down, but it’s pretty frustrating to see, first hand, how inefficient governance is. Filling a pool with a spoon sounds a lot more productive than these conversations.

Mayor Head 1
“You see, I’m concerned that the conversation we are having is not conducive to outline the right parameters, and it does little to nothing to address concerns of our constituency”

Mayor Head 2
“I agree with your observations Mr. Mayor Head 1, but I want to also want to make sure that we can properly address the issues within the right context. I’m afraid that we fail to outline the core issues in these meetings, and this is not truly the best way to move forward with the conversation”

Me five minutes in…

“Ok, they want to move forward, they got concerns”

Ten minutes in...

“They still want to move forward, and have many concerns about the move forward”

45 minutes in, I'm getting up to leave..

“They never ever moved &*(&(@!#&(#& forward!!! wtcrap is this sheeet”

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Governance is flawed but…

   What is the better answer, or at least the realistic one? I’ve been learning quite a bit about Anarchism lately, specially because once you get involved in Crypto it’s unavoidable. You simply can’t ignore the music, if you are trying to learn to dance properly. That being said, I'm missing a couple of moves before I call it Salsa.

   Can there ever be a future nation where Bureaucracy is cut to its bare minimum and we don’t spend hours upon hours talking about, the need to talk about things, while paying giant salaries to the talking heads?

   I don’t know, and I wish I did. I’m sure my understanding of Government will continue to change drastically, as it has for the past year, and I can’t help but to wonder, if I’m going to jump on a more anarchist wagon or if I will remain more of a centrist, as I consider myself today.

That is, if labels even matter that much to me a year from now.... (yeah, throw more confusion in there... that's good)

   With these last lines, I wonder... Since you are here with me on Steemland Paloozza. How do you see this issue? Is the idea of a small government the unicorn no one will ever catch? Or do you actually think it could happen?

I gotta tell you... I got a fever, and the prescription is more cowbell… so I would really love to hear your opinion…

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Much love
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I think local decentralized systems of power (energy), food and governance would be the answer. Add crowdfunded community projects and complete open transparency and boom you have a sustainable system of anti-fragile nodes. Farms on Every Lawn type reality. Giving power back to the states is IMO the right direction. Have different states appeal to different people.

But this is all a pipe dream haha, these big systems and corporations that have created our modern life are some kind of necessary evil. We all love not living the agrarian life, but I do believe we live in an age of abundance and awesome technology, we might be able to flip the script.

I don't know my friend, it might not be necessary to revert to the "agrarian life" specially if we develop complete automation... which, in fact we are actively working on.

So I don't know if this is impossible at all...

In my opinion, the system cannot be changed unless the majority of the people are willing to do what is necessary to change it. The problem is that some people like it this way, and everybody else wants it to change in the way they want it to, which is different from the way all the others want it to change. Until there is consensus on what to change it to, there is no place to begin the change. And that brings us back to the mayor meeting. Same shit on a different scale.
I think the system should just be bypassed by a decentralized system as much as possible and let the current system fall of it's own weight. As long as the current system is in power, we will have to deal with certain things like property taxes, but there's already a lot of things that can be done from outside the system, and I think those options are going to keep on growing.

I won't disagree with you... it seems to become a game of... "you first" hence why it seems close to impossible...

Common Law, clean the slate of all the rest.

That might be ideally great, but how do we get there? that's the harder question...

I think there must be a tipping point, a critical mass of non compliance. And a free and truthful media of, for, and by the people to report it.

I agree 100% with that..

No you didn't ???More cowbell hahaha. One of the funniest !

Yes of course I did... it's a classic! ;)

I don't think it will ever get better. I think the majority of the population is selfish and can't handle power. Even if we had a good streak of generations that wanted to do "government right" lol it would soon become corrupt and we would be back to the same old same old. If only it were a perfect world. (I am not an optimist if you haven't noticed lol)

I would not call you a pessimist either my friend, you are just stating behaviors that are easily observed. I don't know who said this, and I'm sure it was someone famous when he was referring to the Utopian Governments.

"Great ideas, wrong species"

That being said, I'm not willing to throw in the towel, at least in the sense that I would come to accept there is no solution. I would be pretty contempt if in my lifetime, we get to at least see the foundation of a better system of governance...

That is true! If there is anytime to bounce back it would be now! The government is getting worse and normally that has an effect on generations! They will either choose to follow or choose to make a change. Kind of like a child who grows up with an abusive parent. That child can choose to correct that problem in his lifetime or choose to give into that problem. I’ve read a lot about how technology has effected our psychology as well and that a whole other can of worms that can play into what people will choose.
Technology has brought a tremendous amount of transparency which doesn’t help big bad brother!

I liked this post! I think it's an excellent analysis on such a complex topic. I follow you! And I invite you to go through my blog maybe something you like and you can support me with your vote. Greetings.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I guess as I'm learning more and more, I'm coming to grips with the fact that we have many layers of unnecessary fat within our governments. And on the flip side of that, we have systems, initiatives that are underfunded, because we have such bloated governments.

When I think of small government, at least in an ideal scenario. I'm thinking of small enough to still be efficient, but allow no one to be lazy.

I'm completely OK with paying taxes, and have done so my whole adult life. What frustrates me is that the money gets used to finance wars, and things I don't want.

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

We are very like minded joe...