Not only do I understand you @mrbloom I completely resonate with it.... the truth of the matter is that we should try to mine for currency, but that is only done in social valuation..
You are doing to do wonderfully mate... i have no doubt in only a few months you are going to look back at your first weeks on this platform and see all the miles you walked...
much love to you too...
We are mining right now! we are making friends, sharing experiences, music, thoughts and wisdom! I hope other Steemians are embracing this meeting of minds!
I must admit that I was getting rather deflated last week but, here's some advice for the new users here... keep pushing forward, believe in yourself and if you have a voice to share your passion and skills, that can be achieved by using, resilience, endeavour,ambition and the inspiration to succeed.
Have a great week mate.
I'll catch up with you soon.
Discord- @mrbloom