---- Copious Thoughts - From Clayboyn's Coffee and Philosophy show Ep. 39 ----

in #philosophy6 years ago


A big thanks to all who joined us on @clayboyn 's Coffee and Philosophy. on the much loved MSP Waves and P.A.L Discord Network. This was the the 39th episode and the recording can be found here: Coffee and Philosophy Ep. 39.

This time round we let the audience pick the topic and went hell for leather on what was suggested. @llfarms suggested we talk about "when to walk away" and then proceeded to walk away... I guess L.L-Cool-Farms know when the time is right, lolz.

With the topic set we delved into the various areas associated with walking away, from love , work family , friends, it all falls into the scope of consideration when things get tough. We shared some of the experiences we have had in these areas and most importantly we shared how we came to evolve to the kinds of people we are today based on these experiences, better, stronger, faster when it comes to making these decisions to let go and walk away.

We discussed the basis of the mentality of accepting abuse, from social structures in society and family settings etc. and the impact they have on our perspective on "what is acceptable".

A fundamental understanding i personally have is that; it is in times of struggle and turmoil that can bring the greatest points of self reflection, this can be the catalyst for us to begin to think about and implement change. It is up to us to define what is acceptable in our lives and it begins with taking a good look at ourselves, knowing who we are and what we want, then putting that line in the sand... and finally refusing to compromise when that line is crossed.

A great show all round and many thoughts explored, if any of the data sparks an interest i definitely recommend taking a listen to Coffee and Philosophy Ep. 39.. Much love and copious hugs in all yall directions :)


Lol! What are you talking about!? I was there! I just had it on speaker and wasn’t in chat .. sheesh I didn’t know you guys thought I walked away 😂

In fact the part Clay brought up about wanting to be so good at everything to somehow prove your worth really made me stop and think. I’m currently doing some self reflection to see if that is something I myself might be guilty of.. good show ❤️

It's all good, you know I got love for ya!

its just jokes :P but clay called on you a couple times and you didn't respond in the chat so NATURALLY that means you abandoned us , lolz.

Yeah that is what i like about the chats we have on air, we get to have a think and reflect.... we even do a bunch of mental exercises and entertain a number of ideas and concepts. Being able to question ourselves and understand different perspective beyond our own is a fundamental part of growth, and i must say, i feel as though i grow in many ways whenever i get to chat to Clay and various other members of the community :)