I listened that interview several times as well as Terrence's original comments. Just prior to that statement he says... "The FBI had a price on my head, I was running out of money... they recruited me..." So it wasn't the CIA... it was the FBI. But regardless of his comments, since he was being hunted by Interpol, the FBI and US Customs prior to that... and then that "manhunt" just disappeared... seems kinda odd don't you think?
Dennis seems like a nice guy but what else could he say? His main audience is anti-government.
to not care??@mikeonfire: That's a fair question... what came of his charges? I don't know what deal$ he may have made to settle his bills... and is it foolish of me
I can't go back and UN-realize the truths his words helped me realize. His work is so significant to me, because he was THE FIRST I ever heard speak that way. Lots since. None before.
And something in his words -- plant-life, I believe -- sparked something within me.
And whatever that transference was... it holds more meaning for me than any of the alphabet soup fed-fud agencies, lol.