I make the case in this post in my privacy workshop, that there big list of entities that could be real but I have no way to prove either way, as of yet.
But there are serial killers, jealous ex lovers, outright thieves, and harvey weinsteins mossad agents we know for sure, and so if we focus some effort on hardening our security against the known threats, that will at least give us a line of defense against whatever bizarre actors there are out there that we couldn't ever fathom or derive from out experiences.
I always tend to be more interested in people seeking to establish facts and get quickly bored with people who are like 'well, it could be anything, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, who knows, hard to say' etc.
Say something intelligent about the problem, gather evidence, or don't and just admit you live in an ahistorical world where literally anything could be true to you.
Also, hypernormalisation is a thing, where political powers enforce a rate of change that overwhelms the human mind to the point they can believe nothing. It's actually a torture method, and it's actually being used on the american population, the same way the american system has used it on people all over the world. The chickens are coming home to roost, that's for sure.