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RE: This place sucks: A lot.

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

think differently

I'd say that's the crux of it. We're often too full of expectations, preconceptions and comparisons. "It's Facebook, but you get paid" (it doesn't seem much like Facebook to me). Why does it need to be compared to something that already exists. It has the ability to be whatever you want to make of it. Why make it into the world we already live in? Perhaps we cling to the familiar.

PS: I'm fascinated by the picture. Are they gorillas?


It has the ability to be whatever you want to make of it. Why make it into the world we already live in?

I think it comes down to habits and learned patterns. Hard to break the bars if all we have known is a cage.

PS: I'm fascinated by the picture. Are they gorillas?

Yes. I took the photo at a zoo in Tenerife .