The Problem With White Knight Syndrome.

I was talking with a friend who has lived in Darwin in the Northern Territories of Australia. They have quite a high population of native/aboriginal Australians there. For those who are unfamiliar with their culture, they are known for pulling apart houses that government provides them with. They'll knock walls down and pull toilets out. So in the late 1980s or early 1990s government finally decided to take a different approach and ask them what they wanted from housing.

What they asked for was the floor slab with two walls which faced towards certain compass points for the best protection from the elements. Then a roof for shelter and a fire pit. So that was what was built for them. Then tourists saw their shelters and complained that the government treated them like third class citizens.

If we look into some of the history of these people there are some facts that people making assumptions from the outside have completely failed to take into account. The tribes that have lived in Darwin for tens of thousands of years adapted to a warm climate which never gets particularly cold, unlike in many other places where most “civilised” people come from. They know what works best for them in that climate and most of their living is outdoors. When Europeans came to Australia they tried various ways to integrate them in their society and they failed, because they made the assumption that the way they lived must be the way everyone should want to live.

Finally they did start, in places, to just leave them be and give back some areas as aboriginal run land. For many the damage was already done, though, and much of the knowledge handed down was lost. This housing was an attempt by local government to work with them in a way that suited them and it was shot down by “white knights” who seemed to think that it would be better to make them go back into houses which suited us, but not them.

White Knight syndrome seems to permeate everywhere. People instinctively know what is best for everyone and they will campaign to force that on everybody. We are starting to be more accepting that other cultures will do things differently, but what when somebody of our own culture doesn't do what we expect of them? Okay, we can probably tolerate the idea that some “strange” people might want to live in the woods away from the towns and cities, but surely if they try to raise children in those conditions then that could be child neglect and endangerment. A camping trip is fine and probably even an educational activity for children, but choosing to live like that with them long term is unlikely to be seen as acceptable.


When we first started campaigning for equal opportunities we wanted the chance to be able to choose our paths, whatever they may be, but now many women are frowned upon if they choose to be a housewife or stay at home mother over having a career. Do some believe that they choose this because they are being oppressed?

As we head towards a society where manual jobs are being taken over more and more by robots and artificial intelligence, many see it as a wonderful thing because they feel we shouldn't have to do menial tasks. Yet some people enjoy physical work. Someone might choose to cut their firewood with a hand saw rather than a chainsaw because they find it an enjoyable way to exercise while also being productive.

Maybe before we rush in to rescue others we should first ask if they want saving.


photo courtesy of @izzydawn

i have a real problem with "white fellas" using the word "aboriginal" when referring to the "black fellas" - The word was given by the "white fellas" to trick the "back fellas" out of their lands - You see aboriginal means "not original" and when"black fella" calls himself aboriginal, he doesn't know that in legal terms he has given up all his sovereign rights including land rights.

i also have a problem with "white fellas" using the word indigenous when referring to the "black fellas". - This is another word trick by the "white fellas" to remove the rights of the "black fellas" - in-de-genous or of no race again removes the "black fella's" sovereign rights and status over the land.

i agree that there is a real problem with the ignorance within society and the so - called white knight syndrome is at epidemic proportions - isn't it the sole basis for the existence of government? The belief that people are helpless without government and the forced taxation of all people to support those people that can't / won't look after themselves - government in all it's abhorrent forms MUST be opposed until such time that there is an option to "OPT - OUT" - only when this option is a reality will we see true social progress and equality of man.

Somebody find me that big opt out button. I'll push that thing so hard.

Let me know if you come across it.

While this is true, most people are not aware of the use of those terms and if I called them "originies" or "originals" I would probably be corrected for typos and if I called them"black fellas" I would be accused of racism. Either way, my point would be lost. Calling them "native" doesn't help much either as the definition of that is anyone born on the land they live on and that includes non originals.

Since we're not talking in legal terms then, in law, the generally accepted meaning of a word and the belief in that meaning is what is taken as the meaning.

Yeah I agree with this. "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread".
Cultural differences cause a lot of problems. Even the way we negotiate with indigenous people is different. All we can do is present options and let them decide on their own.

Very wise words.

Imagine if all those aboriginal people white knighted the other people living in Darwin, by forcing them to live the same way they do. After all they have lived in the area for a really long time and know how to live and prosper in the area in a healthy happy manner.

What a concept! It's often not until we turn things on their head that we start to realise the ridiculousness of what we do. We hear of stories of native Americans saving colonists in much this way, teaching them how to live on their land. I do believe there are some similar stories here, but it's been individuals rescued rather than colonies.