Hmnn....look forward to the piece on the NWO Currency. Come can write it now and use it later on another site when/if that happens.
Privacy. Yeah, I don't want government creeps knowing who I am. I've given out way too much info here on Steemit. blessings .Cripes, I'll upvote you with .10 what more could you want?
There's not a whole lot to say on that one until we see if the proposed EU copyright law passes on the solstice, which will effect steemit negatively, what comes out of the G20 meeting the latter part of July and Red Full Moon Eclipse is on July 27th.
I still think 9-11 and 11-11-11 are the real key dates to watch this year, especially as Uranus regresses back into Aries on November 7th, days before the 11-11-11 date, until March 7th 2019.
Fascinating thread, gentlemen. I'm very interested as well in seeing what develops.
In the meantime, I've just signed up for Minds, and am using the same handle I use here.
Blessings to you both!
Hi @crescendoofpeace. Now I know where you came from over there... :)
On all these things above, what's interesting is how the current Bilderberg meeting happening this Thur-Sun weekend are the same 2 days as the G7 meeting and of a NATO defense ministers meeting. The 3 primary (published) focuses of the meeting deal with 1) Quantum Computing, AI and Tech 2) The Populism rise, economy and a world where work is supplanted by technology and 3) Russia, Saudi Arabia & Iran and US World Leadership.
Another extremely interesting fact is that this is the first time, at least of what anyone seems to have been able to dig up, that the Vatican has sent their Secretary of Foreign Relations. So things are really heating up there on the world stage.
Of course Shakespeare said,
I love trying to guess how close I can come to the next act. I don't know if you caught my last post on the New World Currency. Clearly, we are on the brink of some big changes and who knows how they'll bumble it up like most everything else they mess with.... LOL
Yes, I've been following the developments as well. I don't have much faith in any of the players, and the Vatican's involvement isn't exactly a heartwarming development.
As for Shakespeare, you're speaking my language. I've been a Shakespeare nut since grade school. And all the current players are most certainly actors playing their roles.
Like the old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. That we certainly do. Wag the Dog, anyone?
Me neither. Its like watching a bunch of comedians (trying to wag the dog) who think they know everything, but haven't got a clue, except how to mess things up all the more... LOL
Yup, and both parties seem to be equally clueless, and trying to outcompete one another with really, really bad ideas regarding how we should be moving forward.
All the more reason to outlaw political parties, completely, as I firmly believe that they are one of the primary reasons why we have such a criminally negligent and incompetent government. My two cents.
I agree with you... or at least outlaw all the massive corruption that puppeteers and feeds them that distorts what good there may be buried underneath all the BS... LOL.