"Freemasonry is founded on the immutable laws of Truth and Justice and its grand object is to promote the happiness of the human race."
-George Washington, 7th President of the United States of America

Over the course of many years, the Ancient Free and Accepted Freemasons have increasingly become the subject of immense scrutiny and debate. For many people on the outside looking in, it can be confusing to understand what a mason truly represents.
Take your stock Freemason. He may be a man of any degree of wealth, status, influence, or power, possibly bearing any known faith, creed, or religion. He could be your lawyer, your dentist, your mailman, or your president. He attends his regularly scheduled lodge meetings with fellow brethren of "The Craft". He dons regalia branded in sigils displaying rank, status, and symbolism. He gathers with other members of the lodge to share hidden knowledge and secret handshakes, while performing archaic rituals said to be dated back to the era of King Solomon of Judah. The whole thing seems fairly harmless, right?
To the average card carrying member of one of the internet's many "tin foil hat" clubs, the parti pris takes on a much different shape.

It's been noted that some of history's most infamous and venerated leaders have been involved in corruption and scandal, and have used their positions of authority to swindle a dissonant populous into following an agenda to suit the needs of those who sit atop the pyramid of wealth and power. Equally noted, some of these individuals were (and are today) Freemasons.
Yes, it is true that some of America's founding fathers were masons, and much of what Freemasons believe was incorporated into the early moral doctrines that gave America its supposed edge over other nations. Several presidents, cabinet members, staffers, congressmen, local and regional politicians, artists, athletes, producers, bankers, and businessmen have been a part of this secret society. The average skeptic, uninformed and left to his own devices, sees the faulty affairs of these individuals, whether schemed or inadvertent, and goes to great lengths to prove that the iniquitous actions of imperfect men is somehow rooted in Freemasonry.
Of course, there have been many corrupt individuals who were not Freemasons, but to assume that Freemasonry as an organization is the sanctioner of some secret plot to enslave mankind is simply too fanciful for the logical mind to ration, not to mention far too convenient for it to be plausible. Bottom line; the holders of such a belief confuse secrecy for Satanism, but without a factual basis.
In H.P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, he is quoted saying, "It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God", and due to this it has been misinterpreted that Satan is the god Freemasons are taught to worship.
Well, doesn't the bible itself say that Satan is the god and ruler of this world?
2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
John 12:31
The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out.
All enlightened thinkers, including the writers of ancient scriptures, are well aware of the evils that control many of mankind's more formidable behaviors, so why would it be considered "evil" to boldly declare an obvious truth of our age?
There is a conspiracy that Freemasons and the "Illuminati" work hand-in-hand to control the affairs of society, and create a "New World Order", however the details portrayed within the mainstream theory are grossly misguided.
The truth is, Freemasons venerate the Most High God as the "Great Architect of the Universe", and the Illuminati and Freemasons have been the engineers of the New Kingdom, collaborating throughout history, so that God’s Earthly Kingdom would be prepared now. The New World Order is that Kingdom.
And yes, you do see their signs everywhere, because their job is much greater than simply building edifices… They are building society and humanity into worthy subjects of the Kingdom.

But this is not some evil, secretive plot to enslave humanity. This the effort of many illuminated thinkers to influence and ultimately direct mankind into becoming more civilized, educated, enlightened, rational, respectable, and overall display the maturity necessary to graduate to the next level of our collective ability.
Illuminati simply means “enlightened ones”, so all of those who have worked behind the scenes, whether in the light or in darkness, yet are still possessing this secret esoteric knowledge, are all still “Illuminati”. While some of us may differ with each other on methodology and certain philosophic principles, we still share the same knowledge of the “Great Work” to evolve Man and create the New Kingdom.
Conclusively, Illumination is neither good nor evil, for the Illuminati are simply “those who know", but by possessing the knowledge of good and evil, one has the choice to do with it as he or she will. By those measures, I would also conclude that Freemasons, in part, possess some of the keys required to unlock the light of sacred knowledge. After all, it is the goal of Freemasonry to "Make good men better".
This is very interesting!
I knew very little about this until recently, thanks!
There is good and bad in all, it is never so black and white.