I totally resonate with what you're saying @makinstuff, although I DON'T resonate with how true it is... Like you point out, the increasing control is scary and downright oppressive.
"A world of convenience has been built around us unknowingly trapping us into peaceful slavery" sums it up pretty well. The wage slavery debt cycle of the modern capitalistic paradigm is a tough one to break, and doing so require A LOT of effort, energy, will and commitment. My partner and I are doing our best, and have certainly touched some of the reasons why everyone ins't dropping out of the maintsream. It requires SOOO much to walk to road less travelled, essentially something thats never happened before. In times past, living connected to the Earth and cycles included tribal, familial and cultural support. Stepping back into that without the cultural framework is a choice that ask much of us.
"I think this age of comfort and convenience is part of why there is so much depression/anxiety" YES YES YES. We go from climate controlled scenarios to avoid the shifting sensations of out environment. We don't allow ourselves to feel truly feel alive when we have distractions and convenience allowing us to avoid so much of life.
Very insightful and well written comment, thanks for contributing to the conversation.