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RE: [Hae-Joo] We are all Alone - Do You or You Won't Happy

in #philosophy7 years ago

Wow, it is as if you have been reading my mind. I have come to many of the same understandings that you speak of. Also I am elated that you mention frequencies. I feel that it is so important that we have an understanding of our frequency, and how to adjust it to fit our needs.

You mentioned harmony, and I would like to expand on that a little from my perspective. As I discussed in my post about energy, we all have a resonate frequency, unbeknown to most but this frequency is a big part of what we use to manifest everything in our lives. As you point out it is all about harmonics.

Just like in music some notes just do not work together. This too is true with people based on the differing resonate frequencies. If we are in a group of people with a much lower frequency than ours I have noticed certain patterns. First if the higher frequency does not understand the control they have over their own energy, most likely you will see this persons frequency drop closer to the crowds. If the person is aware of the power they have over their own energy they can in fact raise the crowds frequency all by themselves

Through my observations I have noticed that once we are aware of our power, we are more able to influence the "ambient energy" around us. In a sense putting ourselves in a bubble of higher frequency energy. If we then, through intention, and with purpose, direct some of that same energy towards others while expanding the bubble around us, we can affect those around us that are susceptible to our frequency. By that I mean depending on our frequency as to what other frequencies we can affect.

Anyway, once again, great post, great perspective, and Thank You for sharing.


Beautifully stated @myperspective
Could not agree more.

We do have an incredible degree of influence we can exert on ambient/atmospheric vibes. But it does take conscious intent and wisdom to pull off... For example, I learned this from someone who resonates on a very similar frequency to myself.

We can listen to somebody else's speech, and without judgment or disapproval, slowly probe their prejudices by asking questions that are pertinent to the underlying energetic vibes controlling our frequencies.

For example imagine we are talking about somebody who was traumatized by abandonment in their youth and have trust and intimacy issues... Consciously speaking, there are questions and perspectives that can be ever so subtly suggested and hinted at... The conversation can naturally then flow in the direction of healing and empathy, as opposed to excesses of shadow-material projection...

The key is to maintain our own high-level energy because otherwise our energy will get sucked out of us and we will feel drained.

Practicing non-attachment, non-judgment, non-confrontation, I think essentially reflect this energetic bubble we can foster; where we simply do not allow other's to dominate the energy space while also making sure we don't try to dominate it in an ego-duality energetic dissonance.

Very spot on and I agree this worldview is certainly a part of the coming paradigm shift... When we start looking at the world as frequency and resonance; our range of experience and manifestation is no longer bounded by Newtonian mechanistic market push-pull competition factors at all... We no longer need to divide and limit ourselves through ideology and other forms of energetic pattern-setting, and we can become individualized and express our own unique energetic patterns the way we see fit for our lives

We just have to become masters of this stuff :)