As the old saying goes, "Only boring people get bored," which is so true, but I like how you repurposed the word here, as a substitute for the word (and non-action) of meditation.
The more screens we use, that are emitting strong, rapidly-strobing blue light wave electromagnetic frequencies that overstimulates the frontal lobes so much so that many people are wondering why they have insomnia and give themselves all sorts of diagnosed and undiagnosed conditions despite the fact that they (we) are looking at these rapidly pulsating screens even when we're lying in bed about to attempt sleep. It's what Dr Victoria L. Dunckley has termed Electronic Screen Syndrome (ESS) and people are suffering from sensory overload, lack of restorative sleep, and a hyperaroused nervous system as a result. No wonder insomnia, anxiety, depression and many other illnesses are exploding.
Simple solution (that you are suggesting here that I agree with) - turn off all screens at least an hour before bed. Meditate. Allow yourself to be bored.
Another greta thought-provoking article, my friend!
as always my friend your input adds so much more depth to these conversations and reminds me I'm not the only thinking of these things.
We are due for another dialogue on a radio show soon.
Sounds great to me, buds!
As Olivia Newton-John sang, “Let’s get Philosophical!” Hehe