Suddenly every living species on earth becomes just as intelligent as us humans, what would happen?
I just saw this really interesting concept portrayed in a very well edited YouTube video (uploaded by Riddle), and I figured I'd share it here with you guys. Check it out by clicking the video above. ^^^
My Personal Philosophy
I believe that if all animals on earth suddenly become just as advanced as humans, it might actually be a good thing. Just think about the progress we have made in technology and the things we discovered, now think about the fact that we are the ONLY intelligent race that is making these advancements. If suddenly our less intelligent roommates on this earth became just as useful in advancing, I believe our progress would multiply in speed and it could be a great thing!
But most likely it'll just be World War 3
I've kind of wondered if some of them may already have the capacity, we just can't understand it. Our opposable thumbs and ability to manipulate things that way has helped. Ultimately the key is language, and it is possible some animals have a language we just haven't deciphered. Who knows...
Interesting thing to mentally ponder.
I believe whales must be very intelligent, think of how massive their brains are. But they are trapped in the sea with a body that doesn't do much but take up space, so they don't have the physical ability to do that many things. Also they could simply not share the same interests and curiosity as humans do, maybe they just don't care about anything but eating, sleeping, and swimming, and their potential brain power goes unused..who knows
It is hard to say. I do think what we can physically do and how we can manipulate things likely does shape a lot of the things we decide to think about.
They could have vast untapped mental potential.