Hey hr1,
I asked myself some important questions a few years back. The first one basically came down to this (excuse me if it sounds preachy or proselytizing):
Why do we eat animals?
I asked this question of myself when I was confronted with a barrage of information that showed what happened to the animals before they arrived on my plate. It was gruesome and horrific.
Many people believe (and I did, too) that eating animals was required for a healthy life. When I asked those questions and began searching to see if we did NEED animals for good health, the evidence was overwhelmingly NO, we don't.
Without completely unpacking the entire argument and series of questions around this issue I decided to give up eating animals and their byproducts until I could find a reasonable and justifiable reason to do so. I haven't found a good reason yet, so I haven't eaten meat, eggs or dairy products knowingly for about 4 years.
I am so glad I found your blog, hr1. I love critical thinking and enjoy robust conversation and engagement.
I'll be following. Thanks again for your contributions.
Warm regards,