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RE: Feel all-write: A question for the writers

in #philosophy7 years ago

Interesting, I took some years of school at a Steiner / Waldorf school, and there I also experienced that writing your own books, by hand, really makes a difference. But writing now, I do like using a computer, although I normally print out my stuff to edit at least once. Will get the proofs of my first book in two weeks, in a printed version, and already looking forward to using a pen & paper style.

I also want to 'hear' my words, but don't need a pen-paper style to do that. Probably there is something in the actual feeling of the words that makes such a difference. Perhaps it also matters where you look? I always look at my fingers when I type (even though I can do it blind). It makes me feel more connected, maybe similar to what you have with paper-pen?

btw, when I read, I always have notebooks to jot down thoughts & I copy large parts of books that I like by hand, as a way to easily memorize them and feel they become part of me...