Thank you, Mandibil, I enjoyed your critiques of Stefan very much.
I listened to him for several years & then stopped, mostly because of his incendiary misogyny .. also because science has reached a point where it is eminently possible to explain & understand everything here in our Universe including 'love' ... making philosophy obsolete.
We now know enough about our Universe to establish a science of everything. But, unfortunately, not about anything or any one 'outside' our Universe, presumably where the creator of it all (if there was one) along with its Machiaveli reasons for so doing, resides !! There just simply is no information pertaining to this outside realm. No information on any first & final causes exists.
As maudlin as it sounds 'love' is 'the answer' & we all know this :- If we all loved one another as we could & should - along with also loving our once glorious Planetary Home as we could & should - there would be no problems - we would not cause or inflict any pain or injury on one another - nor on our once glorious Planetary Home.
We'd not only take good care of one another & our Home, we'd experience great delight in so doing, as, of course, 'love' makes the duty of care we all have for one another & our Planetary Home, an irresistible delight.
Love turns duty into delight.
We now know enough about 'love' - its creation, maintenance & how to fix it when it goes wrong to establish a good, true & full science of the phenomenon, making philosophy obsolete.
I am planning to post the full science of love on Steemit in the near future.
Steemit is a truly wonderful social platform .... Thank you again, M