Pet Rock Rant

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

OK, let me get this off my chest!

(I'm more than a little worried about where our civilization has been headed):

photo credit:

"Pet Rock is a collectible conceived in 1975 by advertising executive Gary Dahl. Pet Rocks are smooth stones from Mexico's Rosarito Beach.[1] They were marketed like live pets, in custom cardboard boxes,[1] complete with straw and breathing holes.[2] The fad lasted about six months, ending after a short increase in sales during the Christmas season of December 1975. Although by February 1976 they were discounted due to lower sales, Dahl sold 1.5 million Pet Rocks for $4 each,[1] and became a millionaire.[3][4][5]"

"With his money, Dahl opened a bar named "Carry Nations" in downtown Los Gatos, California, a reference to Carrie Nation.[3] Dahl continued to work in advertising; however, he avoided interviews for years, because "a bunch of wackos" harassed him with lawsuits and threats. Dahl said in 1988: "Sometimes I look back and wonder if my life wouldn't have been simpler if I hadn't done it."[4]"

What, fellow "citizens", have we come to?

The Pet Rock "Pet Carrier", which doubled as its packaging
photo credit:

What have advertising/marketing/public relations

done to our world? Is there any culture left to save? Is it already too late?


Pet rocks have existed before - yes,

but before mass consumerism brought out the inanity in everything!

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The emperors of China

had whole zoos of them!

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and displayed them with pride:

China 17old computer pics 625.JPG

Here's one of my favorite "pet rocks"

China8old computer pics 529.JPG

How about showing us one of yours in a comment below?

And please remember these words of wisdom

from the inventor of the "pet rocks" of modern formation:

"Sometimes I look back and wonder if my life wouldn't have been simpler if I hadn't done it." Gary Dahl


you purchase that next piece of crap!!!


ouzo and out,

There are 2 pages

As you may remember, my Pet rocks haven't reduced in numbers and, especially after a stint out on Haida Gwaii where three different geological eras of rocks show up, I end up with a giant zoo. They might just be taking over my place!?! Luckily, the house I'm in now is about 8 times the size of the one I lived in the passed ten years.

Namaste :)

P.S.: I thought taking the picture of all of them would take forever and showing only a few might cause others to feel left out... ;)

It's nice of you to take your stones' feelings into consideration. After this, I will never accuse anyone of having a "stone cold" heart ever again!

I should always remember the teachings of Gary Dahl and think twice before purchasing something looking like a piece of crap!
But people became smarter and now they disguise that piece into something good looking :(

Beware of things disguised as good looking.

I try my best. But there are days when you let your guard down and eventually end up with a whole zoo of petrocks. Actually, they look kinda cute :)

Actually you probably just need a mirror to see something kinda cute :-)

Awww stop it youuu... you flatter me :D

I have got regular rocks,
Would that work 😬

No, sorry, you have to make pets out of them :-)

Off to work then

I guess MOON rocks would be appropriate in my book


Looks like they go moldy though. What a shame!

haha a shame indeed, not mine tho. So I won't suffer from it:)

If you care to take a guess and maybe win some ammo ---> Weed💚Challenge #22

@onceuponatime ... You put a smile on my face yet again.

The manual is a must read .... for owners of pet rocks!
" The Care and Training of your PET ROCK "

"If, when you remove the rock from its box it appears to be excited, place it on some old newspapers. The rock will know what the paper is for and will require no further instruction. It will remain on the paper until you remove it."

What a fad.

Actually Dahl's advice to those who want to succeed with a fad is:
"Enjoy it while it lasts"

By the way, Gary Ross Dahl, passed away approx 3 years ago - on March 23, 2015, at the age of 78.

Yup. I am enjoying your smiles while they last :-)
(until you turn over a new stone)

To quote Euripides ....

very beautiful!
All paintings are a matter of great respect.

Unfortunately, over here, i/we have none. :(

@onceuponatime, your photo shot wanna me rocking..First time heard this.
Just awesome...

Ok, I received recently a beautiful one as a gift from my dear friend Donna that she also put her initials at the back making it even more special for me :)!!
So tell me what you think of my pet stones :)!!!29251127_10204563107115783_998026490_o.jpg

I guess it all depends on if you're the kind of person who likes Chihuahuas, Toy Spaniels, Papillons, Pomeranians, Bologneses, and such :-)

Not for me. They look like something you would go fishing with (as the bait, not as a companion LOL)


It may be that the rocks of the emperors are not rocks but parts of stoned ancient trees... well at least they didn't paint faces on their rocks... they admired the strangeness of nature itself. Today people try to personalize the rocks. To make them look like humans... our ego on the stones... not even leaving a mark on a permanent rock in nature... No no no.... they will keep them at houses...
Man... we are lost... :)

Ancient trees used to get stoned? Really? :-)

The Emperors would move gigantic rocks for a thousand kilometers to balance the "feng shui" of a formal garden.

RockFengShuiold computer pics 853.JPG

Now that's a rock solid post ;)

I have collected many of those in my single life but people find it weird me collecting those stuff.. I like its cuteness and how good it makes me feel having those but I lost them all (i have it through going places and have something to remind me I've been there, a rocks for souvenir and I never thought it can be your pet). Maybe I'll have those rocks collected back since now its not just me who appreciate those and it's really not weird at all..

It is not weird at all to go out and search for interesting rocks and collect them. But, in my opinion, it is very weird to go to a store and buy a rock that has been marketed as a "pet".

That's some kind of weird though.. people's passion over a thing can sometimes lead the person to become the weirdest one.. maybe that's for some reason there good thing I'm not into buying rock pet but picking and collecting those for souvenir.

hello !!! first time I hear about Pet rocks I like to learn new and original things...and doing something far from the technology most handy!!!
your amazing idea,I liked it very much!!!

Are you going to get a pet rock?

So this is real.
I've heard of this but I couldn't believe it.
We are back to the stone age.
I like rocks tho, now I'm confused. :/

Well maybe you should get a pet (rock?). I hear having a pet is very calming (though I have never tried it myself.

And why haven't you? I guess that depends on the pet, tho having a pet rock sounds like a good idea for really calmed people.

I don't know, I kinda want one. Look at its eyes. The worst part is not the weird advertisement but the fact that people bought it. Still, I have a cousin that collects rocks, and they have names. To each their own. (But again, look at those eyes!)

I know, eh! I'll bet anyone who saw your eyes would want you too :-)

Ohhh man , I blushed so hard hahahaha. <3

my one hereScreen-Shot-2018-02-27-at-12.50.17-PM.png

That's a rock? I thought it was fish bait :-)


Is it alive or a rock?

a rock

I am just jealous I didn't come with this ingenious idea first :(

Here's my pet, made of sea shells and urchhin bodies. I collected the dead stuff and @ruth-girl gave them life with her magical fairy powers. Close enough I think :D


I see a great fortune in your future. Just study marketing!

i just can't stop thinking about these rocks unique article thanks for share

I guess it's like a song that get in your head then :-)

My dear friend, these pet pet sculptures are very sophisticated art. We know that this art is old and there is a pharaonic civilization in Egypt and it is found in a large number of countries in the world. Recently, stone sculpture artists have made many stone statues of pet animals. I liked those pictures that I shared with her ، thanks you so much sharing a good information and great photo , all the best for you my dear friend @onceuponatime 👍👍😃

Truly unique rocks I have never seen before
A great article was good to choose my true friend you are really a successful person

Bob Dylan said it all:
"There's no success like failure, and failure is no success at all"

Hmmmmm philosophy of life. Wow

"There's no success like failure, and failure is no success at all"

Damn my rock is not good enough for this post. I should not be a cheapo and display my wealth by purchasing the most expensive rock my pocket money can afford.

BRB going to Ebay to do some research, it is a tricky market.

The "stone" market has always been tricky?

Yeah getting "stoned" is not how it used to be.

Nothing ever is.....

I have heard that animals are kept pet, pet rocks, I heard it first time, well they look awesome

They look cute

They really look nice

Live and learn, eh?

Really humans keep learning till dying day

This is the first I'm hearing of this.
I don't think anybody would buy something like that here.
But if people are buying of their own will, why the lawsuits?

Nobody said anything about lawsuits.
You did, I think

Oh yeah. I forgot. Maybe I will sue him too :-)

Can someone sell me an old pet rock so that I can initiate an action against him?

Find one and write a post about that as well. That will be good

Really pet rock is unique stone. And pet rock is beautiful and strong than other . In my locality could find pet rock.

Well, take a picture and show us!

Not yet now i am out of home i will say my friend to send pic.

Pet rocks are always cool and awesome, especially i like them more when artist give them awesome looks .
Check out some pictures of pet rocks :


I wouldn't want to live in your house then :-)

It's okay, cause i don't have any vacant seat in my house for you from previous !! lol : )

Axtually civilization and public relations and advertisement are different things you cannot say that modern things have changed it all but yes some part is i fluenced by these modern culture and people are getting away from the herited or chain civilization. But if someonw wanna be simple and made up his mind to be simple then no one can effect him no matter how modern the things are no matter where our civilization is going.... Pictures included are cool.

Yeah i did

Weren't you impressed by the way Edward Bernays got women to smoke?

Here are mine! Marine pet rocks picked from various Greek beaches during summer holidays! Do you think I could make a fortune if I stuck googly eyes on them? Or should I just pretend they have healing powers and let the gullible give me their money?


Teach them to roll over, or sit up and beg. Cute wins every time.

you can try doing that and posting them under #GooglyEyes here on steemit...

it won't make you rich but it could earn you an SBD or two ;)

Oh! Thanks for the idea! You know, I thought about you when I first saw this post :P

Don't just think about it... do it :D hehehe

I'm humbled actually... to think you already knew about me... blush

Hehe! I saw a post from mathowl about you ;)

Ok, ok! I now have to find something imaginative to put my eyes on! :P

Yay... then I can look forward to meeting you again soon :D

Pet rocks are beautiful. I love them. The inventor of such objects of endearment deserves to be happy but the lawsuits made him almost regret it. It is not fair

If life was fair, I would have been born rich! I've got such expensive tastes. It's not fair!

Haha this is so weird !!

When i was reading ur post i felt like who keeps pet rocks ?? I mean comeon!!

Then I remembered that I too have two rocks, actually crystals kept on my bedside since i was a child.

I kept then with me without any reason just because I liked to keep then around !!

So yeah , pet rocks might be common 😅and not so weird i believe !! Hehehe


But that dude became a millionaire from marketing them! What could you market? Maybe pet vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, radishes - the possibilities are endless)? Don't you want to be rich?

I dont WANT to be rich, but i dont mind being rich either.

But yeah, i WANT to make a difference in the world. That is what i am trying to do in everything i do.

"I dont WANT to be rich"

OK, you're excused :-)

Great post sir ..thanks for sharing and respect @onceuponatime

Excellent post sir..carry on for your good post..thanks for sharing sir @onceuponatime

In my childhood I collected rocks. I can’t show them, I threw them away. I didn’t go so far with pet rocks, but I think it’s a great idea to pet rocks.
Nice pictures though!

You threw away your pets? Do you drown kittens too? Oh my God! LOL

I my childhood, yes. Now, I just keep them outside. Meet our cat “SISI”
She is homeless, but at the same time too wild to try taking her inside. So we have been feeding her for four years already.

I wish someone would feed me for four years. Or even three LOL

Lol I wish I didn’t have to do dishes everyday. I’m doing dishes every day and have this unimaginable feeling when I’m lucky enough not doing dishes one day. Which hasn’t happened since I remember. lol even though it does make my wife horny, which was the reason I started doing dishes at first. I just need a break for that reason as well. I’m stuck now.
BTW: you can stop by at our backyard anytime, there is enough for

Doing dishes makes women horny? Wow, live and learn :-)

I guess that, even though you hate doing dishes, you must save a small fortune on chocolates and candlelight and wine!

...and flowers.
Enjoy your weekend!
And thank you!

I still wonder what would have made someone purchase some inanimate stones as pet. When I first read this on Quora, I thought it was a lie, so I had to check on it on Wikipedia. Well, some people have weirder taste than I do.

Rocks are something else, I love to see rare kinds of rocks mounted in public places, we have a few in my hometown but unfortunately I don't have a single photo in my phone right now. Some people are so persuasive in marketing that they can sell you your fingers and you will pay smiling.

What makes you, or anyone, purchase the things they do?

Somehow we believe (or someone makes us believe) that what we buy is necessary. We believe it will solve some sort of problems, or make us happier.

Do you choose your beliefs wisely? Does anyone? Some of them may not be serving us so well :-)

I hardly see pet rocks these days. Unlike when I was growing up. People used them in decoration of their houses and it looked really beautiful. Guess we have all lost that now. I don't have any personal pet rock but when I do see one again, I will take a shot of it

Have a shot for me too! I prefer ouzo.

This almost reminds me of the ball in the movie Cast Away from way back haha. I remember having pet rocks and stuff as a kid, that time it was more of just a fun arts activity though. Were your pictures from the Forbidden City? I visited there a couple years ago and remember seeing some cool statues and stuff but can't quite remember. China sure does have a lot of cool rock stuff though like the Terracotta army in Xian. It's crazy to believe that there are sooo many stone people there.

The pictures are mostly from the Summer Palace.

Really?? Is there pet rock? I did not is amazing...
Your photo with the rock is beautiful.

I guess you are out of the loop?

Xaxaxa.. i am..😀

Have a nice and successful day with awesome posts and photos.

And to you too!

where I live a lot of stones and this is a little bit that I hold ,,
if this can be so.....???

Did you give it a name? If not, it may not be a genuine "pet".

The Emperors gave names to their "pet rocks":

Stone OfLongevityold computer pics 527.JPG

Its name jade moss (idocrase) jade original Aceh- indonesia.Batu has a very beautiful green moss color.

This stone has been made a ring
the green mossy idocrase stone which is the most expensive ** Aceh -Indonesia** jade which beat the moss rock ** dareh ** from West Sumatera. The black jade or blackjade is actually quite popular but because its resources or raw materials are so abundant that the selling price is very low, whereas the quality of blackjade from aceh origin is very good which is often used as jade therapy.

These (big)stones were made into (big) rings too. And then they became money!

Yap moneyyap_house.jpg
A home in Yap surrounded by money stones indicating wealth



The 20-ton jade of Aceh found by Usman (45), a resident of Pante Ara Village, Beutong Sub-district, Nagan Raya, Aceh, was eventually cleaved by the local Mining and Power Service (Distamben). The separation of the stone involved 60 people using 4 cutting machines.

I wonder what the biggest pet rock ever was.

that's right, it's the biggest jade that ever existed. INDOGRACE is a very beautiful jade with green moss color, ACEH where I live is the largest producer in the world. the fans of beautiful stone in the corners of the world many come here looking for this stone @onceuponatime



I were followed you only pass 02 days. I've took great experience from you via un-known contexts. Nice you decided to share well explained about pet rocks and photo clicks.

I hope that you are enjoying the ride :-)

That's my favorite rock pet. It is always in my garden.

I bet that it comes alive at night, when you are sleeping, and keeps your garden free of mice.

I guess she gives orders to the rest of her fellow cats so the garden is clean.
I am sure she also keeps the bad "Entities" away :)

The human is always attracted by unusual things like those rocks of the pictures above and our brain tends after quick search in data bank of our memory to fit it to something that the form and shape reminds us. One day when we were walking on the beach my son found this funny rock and decided to take it with him because it was too sad. So we also have now a pet rock :)


I guess rocks need love too!

I think I seen pet rock on sale before but it was definitely more recent than 1975. There's this rock which I was planning to include in one of my posts that I have got around to.

It's not much of a pet if you have to "view it from a distance" as the sign says.

The sign was actually referring to the occasional otters the appears which I had not the pleasure of seeing.
I think the rock was more so like a dragon or so my lady told me but I saw this angle with otter and decided to shoot from there and ask don't you think it is more like the reflection of this otter. :-)

As greek easter is is an easter edition Pet rock :P

I don't think it counts as a "pet" until it hatches :-)

ahahaha I guess :p

Don't guess. Google it and make sure!

the moment I tried to google it,it turned out you are right.Here is the proof...!

Our newborn :P Had to clean him from all the labor blood

He's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but the emperors of China did not have #GooglyEyes!

And that's a problem how? :-)

if you don't see a problem with not having #GooglyEyes then I guess I'm crusading on a lost cause here :P

Yeah, let's face it. I'm a bit of a cretin. You would probably do better hanging out on those "artsy" posts :-)

ah well... that's ok, i just like to try some new flavours every now and then :D

cretins are nice and crunchy!

wait... i meant croutons... nevermind...

No, no it's alright. Cretins are rather crunchy too - but OH, SO HARD TO DIGEST!

Amazing example of fad sales, thank you for sharing! 😱

Chinese emperors had much more than pet rocks:

I know, I know, the Terracotta Army isn't made of stone, but still... 😊

Seems that some of them really had their shit together :-)

I really had never known there existed anything like this ever in this world.

I really hope that I haven't disillusioned you too badly :-)

No no not at all. It's a great piece of knowledge.

Knowledge is Power :-)

That for sure is... Anyways this is why we love steem because you end up learning something which you even hadn't heard about...

I kinda like stones... There is nothing stupid in buying a piece of crap :(((
Maybe it can become a lucky stone amulet.

And the more you pay for it, the luckier it is? I've got a bridge you might want to buy. It's in Brookyln.

Haha, If only I had more wealth maybe I would buy a bridge or even build the new one!))
But first things first! I'll start with a little stone.

where we are heading to even the human evolution is now a question hahaha

We may not all be heading to the same destination :-)
And I don't think that most of humanity is really evolving.
Are you?

Congratulations @onceuponatime!
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Wow !! Ghost...!!!!! When i listen it , i am so afraid..
But good because i hate this comment that nice post nice content
I know it is to much difficult to make a post and some
of them drop a comment which have no means with the post


Sure... Sometimes i face this problem...@onceuponatime.

Yes but before the pet rocks were mostly huge and in the later part they were sold as small pets or figures.

There are 2 pages