With all due respect I disagree. As long as there are whales that have the right to use BOTs to target others for no good reason other than their own bad day, while using those same BOTs to up vote themselves; I am going to upvote that video I spent an entire day to create. When the Trending Trash page is cleaned up I will change my attitude, if not, my self votes will stay around 5%. Greetings!
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As much as I understand you, and as much as you make a valid point, you are also speaking from an anecdotal stance. Meaning... I know you specifically have been targeted by a whale, and in my opinion, not that it makes a difference, unfairly so... but most minnows try to steer clear from poking the bear as they say, so i guess in that sense, for your specific case, you are probably right.
But.... just to play devil's advocate for a second if your own SP is low, how much more effective could you be at rewarding the videos you have been working on, if you had more social worth? if you were making more allies on Steem, participating in discord/steem communities... Maybe you would fair better? I dunno...
But again, I don't think we disagree in your case all that much.
In a decentralized system one wouldn't have to be afraid of poking the bear. Most time's I have no idea whom I am talking to, I just click on the link, and be honest in my replies whether good or bad regarding the topic, if some bear doesn't like it so be it I survived this life way before they ever came along, you have to be able to be you otherwise the joy is ripped out from underneath you. Maybe I've been a blogger way to long but everyone's opinion counts, this is just one day not forever, tomorrow you may find yourself seeking agreement upon another ground.
There are so many things to unpack, but because I don't want our conversation to be extremely long, or one sided, let me lay down a few questions, lets see if we can find some common ground.
Have you seen venezuelan accounts with very little SteemPower, making a big splash, maybe even trending once or twice?
I have, actually quite a few, they brought value to the platform and themselves, interacted amazingly. Their Steem was irrelevant, really.
Have you seen a crypto currency that does not have whales, in other words where a small number of accounts hold the majority of the stake?
We can make a case for equality of opportunity, it seems ethical and moral, but the opposite can be said about equality of outcome... Do you disagree?
(thanks for stopping by and making some good points)
Yes I have, I see that from quite a few individuals in third world countries. Their value to the platform was much more then quality of content, it only bares truth when you see so much more quality content go unnoticed that the extra added value comes from the number of followers they will entice to the platform by merely making pennies, pennies that are a life line to them, that will be a lifeline to others who will be encouraged to join for the same reason. They get promoted/backing from the powers that be not that they are any better quality then hundreds of other post. I see it all the time. I also see them being "fostered" by the powers that be also whereas I don't see that a whole lot among others unless they form into groups. The difference is the amount of people in desperate situations spread the word of a avenue that can help them even if that help is minuscule just by following (or in a lot of situations, kissing ass) with someone who has money, the person with the money isn't driven by a true desire to actually help these people as much as it improves their bottom line. It's not a bad thing, it happens all the time. Do you ever see corporations who move their operations to third world countries helping them build viable communities to one day flourish?...or pay them enough so that goals is attainable?....No, you don't because then they wouldn't need the corporations fifty cents a day wage. Don't mind me for finding it rather ironic that somebody floating around on a yacht sipping martini's is patting himself on the back for all the good he's brought to people when all's he has really managed to do is give them enough for a bag of flour to keep from starving. The amount of Steem I have is irrelevant too, I am all about free, I can wait, just like the starving for the power to reboot.
Did you see me say there was something wrong with that aspect? No. I only stated this was not a decentralized platform.
A lot of people get that mixed up in their head and think this is somehow the magical dream of deregulation that they've always dreamed of. When in fact it's still fat cats at the top, middlemen making money in the middle running it, and the depositors at the bottom. Fats cats still wield the majority of the power, censorship is still alive and well, witnesses still fighting for the have nots. (lol) Some people so desperately want to believe they can change the system they become indifferent to that which is no different.
Have another martini.