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RE: How Did We Forget How To Have Civil Discourse?

in #philosophy7 years ago

In my opinion, you are the "nazi fascist fuckface" now what? What stupid people like you don't understand is you're not the judge of who is good and who is bad. I listen to both sides, and by far the left wing is way more nazi fascists... in the way you use the terms. The right wing want to have their own communities and to be left alone. The leftists, people like you, want to force your will onto others by the end of a gun... this is fascism.


Read a book some time you dumb fuck. Defending white supremacy because someone called you dumb and your feefees got hoited is peak centrism. Get triggered, wittle snowflake. You cant expect to make profit from hate speech without facing strong opposition. Keep crying lmfao

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Read a book some time you dumb fuck. Defending white supremacy because someone called you dumb and your feefees got hoited is peak centrism. Get triggered, wittle snowflake. You cant expect to make profit from hate speech without facing strong opposition. Keep crying lmfao

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Lol the app posted it multiple times . Oops!

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facsist like you want to force your opinions on everyone else, and arrogantly think they are right and everyone that does not believe with them is wrong. This is very hypocritical. It's sad you can not see how naive and ignorant you truly are. I am for humanity, you are the naive idealism that punishes humanity, you included as your dreams harm not only those that disagree with you but they harm you as well. I hope for all groups to enrich themselve to the peak of their culture and share it with others who wish to interact with them, not forcing people into a culture that some fascist wished to force upon everyone.

"Black people shouldn't be killed because of their skin color" is my opinion and somehow you think that it's more offensive than "I want to kill all black people" because you're a dumb fuck without critical thinking skills. Facts dont care about your feelings, kid.

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do you even read what you write? it is so disconnected from reality that its impossible to even respond to intelligently. You make up things then argue against them. Never even understanding the arguments being used against you. You are so indoctrinated you can't understand simple arguments, it's rather sad that you live in a world so divorced from reality. If you want to read and actually respond to the points being made feel free, otherwise have a nice day, and enjoy looking like a psycho to any rational person that reads this.

you seem to be permanently triggered... I have no problem at all with white people taking pride in themselves, and you should not either. I have no problem with blacks, Muslims, Jews or anyone else taking pride in themselves. I have no problem with any of those groups wanting to live in their own communities either. My arguments and opinions are logically consistent across all categories. Yours on the other hand are inconsistent and emotionally driven based on indoctrination, not logic and reason.

You live in a fairy tale. We do not operate in an egalitarian society. Racism exists and you let it go unopposed and cry when you get fact-bombed like a 3rd grader. It's not "censorship" to tell you things that you're too dense to understand naturally.

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That is very funny. You ignore all the racism against whites which is the vast majority of racism. You do this by using Orwellian techniques attempting to redefine racism. That being said racism is 100% NATURAL and LOGICAL. I know you don't understand natural order and spent too much time being brainwashed, but racism is HEALTHY. any group that evolved not to have a strong in-group preference would quickly fall victim to groups that do have strong in-group preferences. Every race or group prefers their group and is "racist". yes you can brainwash people like you to ignore this ingroup preference for a while, but nature has a way of slapping people in the face and they realize how naive they are eventually. you can deny nature and reality, but that does not change nature or reality, it only makes you willfully ignorant.

Lol. White kid triggered at a joke rofl

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enjoy fantasy land... cussing me out... projecting your emotional reaction onto me... while being embarassed by reality... typical stupid leftist thinking they "won" or "triggered" you... its comical how stupid you are. have a nice day :)

The irony is palpable.

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