The Weeds... A Study of Disinformation.

in #philosophy7 years ago

When we start to research topics out of the mainstream media or mainline approved narratives we get into the areas that they don't want you to know, so they have to protect their valuable information and secrets from those who wander outside their box (the information they want you to pay attention to). There are a few ways they do this. Silencing journalists, bribing or buying "alt-media", assassinations, intimidation, labeling everything not approved as "conspiracy theories" and of course disinformation. Disinformation is the muddying of the waters by flooding the back channels with all kinds of crazy things that make it very hard to get to the true information and make you question what seems to be true is really true.

So who do we know when we are getting bogged down in "the weeds". This is where intuition is very important. If something does not seem right we need to become very skeptical about the truth of it and not get distracted by the low probability stories we run into. Things like the flat earth and aliens are both perfect examples of these things. Now, this does not mean there are not little green men running around and we are not living on a disk under a dome, but realistically these are very unlikely and we should not waste our valuable time spending hours or days researching them. Most likely the alphabet agencies created this stories to discredit anyone that runs into true information they don't want you to know. The media will parade some fringe guy out and let him talk about the issue then ask him about his view on the flat earth and link the issues and call the person a "flat earther" or "conspiracy theorist". The weeds can be fun to look into, but treat it as entertainment and don’t get to taken up by it (and if you do believe these off the wall things are real lie about it if people ask so you don’t get discredited by the media that has already poisoned people opinion of these things).

You also see this in the alt-media a lot. They will tell enough truth to get a following and the main players in the alt-media will promote them to help them grow. After they get a big enough following the alt media personality slowly leads away from the real issues that are important and lead to minor issues or back to the mainstream stories being pushed and repeat the same stuff over and over and often talking about some of these fringe stories (the weeds) meant to discredit those doing legitimate unapproved research. People like Alex Jones is a master at this, also notice how he is promoted on all the mainstream outlets (sure they mock him and such but the fact they give him publicity makes him grow very fast as well as attacking him gives him credibility (street cred, so to speak). If you see people being promoted on many different places be skeptical as they are probably a gatekeeper (a plant used to capture minds thinking outside the box and keeping them from the big truths by giving them small truths and then discrediting the real truths they don't want you to find).

It gets much harder to tell what the weeds are when you start delving into all the esoteric information. This information is often labeled as "evil" or "mysticism". This has the effect of discouraging many people from looking into it. Next, when you start looking into it there are multiple layers of meaning to all the symbols and the true meaning is always very hard to get too. For example, the Freemasons have a layer of meaning they tell the general public, then they have a meaning for their low-level members, then another when you move up a bit, and then the true meaning very few know at the very top. It is very easy to spend years learning just the low-level or mid-level meanings. There are small bits of true at these levels and it is these things you're trying to find. This means moving past the mysticism and trying to understand what they actually believe. A quick example, you will run into that they worship Lucifer. Now a large percentage of people will stop right there and say they are EVIL devil worshipers! This is only one level and only a mid-level at that, you have to move past this and understand what Lucifer represents to them. It all has many layers, it is actually insanely brilliant how many layers they can bury the true meaning under. Now if you do not balance your left and right brain (male and female, logic and emotion, etc) you will get trapped in the weeds.

It is important to be able to move past the disinformation and not let yourself be discredited by getting sucked into these traps. Many of these things are not possible to know but if its very far-fetched (like magic bombs that destroy whole countries) you need a lot of proof before you believe it. This goes for much of the information you see being pushed on mainstream media and things you were raised to take as a given. The more outlandish the claim the more extraordinary the proof must be, think of things they repeated over and over that are outlandish that you believe is true because you have had it repeated over and over, AI comes to mind, beating a person at a game with an insanely big supercomputer is not impressive or anywhere close to "artificial intelligence". So stay sceptical, and use that logic and intuition to get to closer to the truth, then test what you think is true against the real world as you observe it and if it fits increase your faith in it, but always stay open to new information and evaluate your position when you are presented with it.

Thanks for reading :)



why always flat earth? nasa are clearly liars and hoaxers and have never been anywhere near the moon.

no it does not mean we're on a disc under a dome, that seems like cods as well, but it should raise the question, and a healthy discussion.

we definitely live on a geocentric earth, science has proven that (redshift.) our senses tell us it's perfectly still and not rotating about at 1038 mph (we'd know about it.)

you said this which is very insightful, and most true when it comes to conspiracies, and the real truth of things - 'very hard to get to the true information and you question what seems to be true is really true.'

everything should be investigated, and nothing should be ruled out, no matter how 'crazy' sounding. if it has multiple evidence backing it up, then it might well be true, no matter how far away from what the mainstream has taught us all it might be.

and yes that should include the nature of earth and cosmology. it's only for the last few hundred years that a rotating earth in a vast universe has become the mainstream view. for thousands of years this would have been thought of as nuts. so what did all the ancients miss exactly?

12142020985_8318672d69_m A16.jpg read my article. This will explain it to you in a way you have never heard it explained.

Also, geocentric is silly. Reference points are arbitrary. it is just much more convenient to use the sun as a reference point when discussing the motion of heavenly bodies as the math works out much much nicer. as it is the strongest force in our neighborhood, and its the center of mass of the system. when you go to galaxy level you talk about motion relative to the center of the galaxy as that is the center of mass and the math is always easiest when you use the center of mass. when you are talking about scale of the planet earth you always use it as the reference point, this is basic sense. now if you believe the earth is a plate with much smaller objects spinning around it when there is insane amount of evedense against it, that is your problem. all flat earthers have a sever lack of understanding of perspective. and it seems so do geocentrics.

wow you're incredibly condescending. your main problem with both the nuke HOAX and the globe HOAX is that it would be hard to pull them off, and you cannot see the real reasons behind them, rather than looking at the actual evidence?

you're halfway down the rabbit hole. you probably still believe everything in existence came out of nothing. i'm not wasting time explaining it all to you. so much work to be done. good luck.

lol, come on man. that is not condescending. that is the truth. the world is not flat. flat-earthers have no idea what a fixed horizon is and how to tell the difference. the very few that do have to invoke "illusions" to explain away you always see a fixed horizon when you're close enough to the ground. not to mention if you go to the beach on the west coast you can see the sun through the water when the sun sets.. this is impossible on a flat earth, as the sun never goes beneath any portion of the water. you need to get out more. I have seen both these personally, and understand the perspective I am looking at to know 100% the world is round. Flat earth morons discredit legit research into legit topics. now if you want to think the moon landing is fake and other things as well, there is a case to be made on those. the flat earth is for morons. sorry it is. I was being very polite in my response. I assume your a hard core christian. Flat earth is a religion not a logical conclusion.

morons x 2? nice. bye.

Truth hurts... I have no respect for the flat-earthers, they discredit everything by design. Even if you believe in the flat earth you should be smart enough to understand this and lie about it, cause you make everyone look bad that does tries to expose real conspiracies. flat-earth a) does not matter and b) is very low probably of being right. so I repeat anyone spreading flat earth stuff is a MORONx2

I love religious people. the big bang was God, the universe is eternal because of God. I don't believe the modern cosmology. and I don't pretend to know the truth of how the universe was started. I understand there are things you can not know and anyone claiming to know these things is a charlaton.