UFOs… A Study Of A Psyop.

in #philosophy7 years ago


When you learn real history you find the “mystery schools” (various secret societies with many different names, Freemasons/Rosicrucian/Knights of Malta/etc.) have always been trying to form a world government (new world order, globalism, etc). They brainstorm many ways to do this. It is not immediately obvious how all of this ties into UFO’s but let's take a look at their goal. To bring everyone in the world together and give up their sovereignty to a world government that those at the top of the mystery schools run. If you doubt this look into the UN and all their occult symbols and founding, Alice Bailey and Lucis trust is a good start, this is all low-level mystery school teaching and the truth at the top is very different but it's a good start. Next, realize that fear is a good method to make the masses beg for protection and willing to accept any solution. This is called the Hegelian Dialectic (problem/reaction/solution). The problem was to invent a massive external threat to the world. The reaction was to have the masses scared to death of this invasion. The solution the world must unite to defend against this threat.

Obviously, they are not going to publish this in your local paper or peer-reviewed journal. It is done in think tanks away from the public eye under strict secrecy. So how is it we can come to this conclusion that it is a psyop. We have to analyze what they put out in public to see that this was indeed the agenda. In 1938 the “fake” news bulletin broadcast adaptation of War of the Worlds by H.G Wells (who was himself deep into the think tanks, read his nonfiction works for proof of this) was broadcast as if it was real without telling people it was fiction. This was a test to see how people reacted. UFOs became more and more prolific in movies and the news. Things like area 51 and alien autopsies were pushed one the masses and were all a form of conditioning in order to prepare the masses into accepting the story that a real invasion was happening when the time came for to conduct the largest psyop in history.

Sound far-fetched? President Reagan in front of the United Nations said, “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world“. The movie Independence Day is an exact portrayal of this idea in action.

At some point, they abandoned this idea as they probably realized they could not pull it off with the growth of interconnected communications throughout the world and rise of personal photography. So they decided to change up the external threat and replace it with… Global Warming. Yup, climate change is the new external threat that they are using to try and bring us all together to “save the planet”. This threat has the added benefit of making the masses feel guilty for being alive as being alive means damaging the planet. The people have bought it. Birthrates are down, mass movements are started to limit the use of everything including eating meat as cows produce too much “greenhouse gases”. If you look at all the treaties around climate change you can see clearly this is the agenda to bring in the world government. They will have to have world government over all the countries in order to monitor and enforce restrictions. This also directly leads to population control and eugenics. Once you start limiting the countries use of its own resources then you cut back the number of resources people need to live and reproduce. Hegelian Dialectic once again. Problem: The world is going to die cause we are damaging it. Reaction: Save us from killing the planet. Solution: We must limit all activities of life in order to combat this threat to everyone's survival. A side note: Do you see anyone at the top limiting anything they do? Are their mansions getting smaller? Sales of private planes/yachts/ultra luxury autos/etc drying up? The threat is not real. Resources are far more abundant than they want you to believe. It is only that they are driving everyone into the cities that it feels overcrowded and limited.

One of the greatest secrets is that secrets CAN be kept. It is pushed heavily that they can not, because they don’t want people to think massive scale lies are possible, but they are and the secrets can be kept. The media knows what they can not report on, and if they stray too far they have accidents (Micheal Hastings, Gary Webb, etc). Without a megaphone, whistle-blowers don’t get heard, and that is if they don’t assassinate them. Fear of death is a good motivation to stay quiet.

So before we believe things are true because, “no one could tell or keep secret a lie of that magnitude” maybe we should remember what Joseph Goebells said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” This has been known for a long time, bigger lies to more people are easier to sell than small lies to individuals.

We have to take EVERYTHING we hear with a grain of salt and put it into the larger context of the goals of those that spread these things. Keep in mind that no one person can ever start rumors about aliens and have it gain traction. So when these fringe things pop up and get more and more publicity we need to become ultra skeptical and start looking outside the box that is being presented to us and see how it fits into the larger context of the powers that should not be.

Thanks for reading :)


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