Yeah, not many people think about growing people in a garden, but I think that there are some really good reasons why people grow there best. Give my video a watch and see what you think. I'm eager to hear your opinions on this.
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
There is definitely more enjoyment from growing your own from planting the seeds to watching them grow the hole process is a lot more enjoyable than just going out and buying them
Thanks mike
It's looking fabulous. Great job like always.
I’m more into Gaia than God, but the principles are the same. Even getting the dirt under your nails gives minerals to your body.
Interesting, I've usually got dirt under my nails, but I never thought about it supplying my body with minerals. Thanks for checking it out!
Great video@papa-pepper. The more organic and natural your diet is the better you mind is able to work in a more natural and healthy way. You are so right about the toxicity of processed food and inorganic lifestyles. They keep people weak and unable to make good life choices for them or their children. Stay wild strong and free.... you are doing all the right things🌴🦋🌈💛
Oh, I'll stay WILD alright! Thanks!
It's a place of tranquility. My kitties love just hanging out around all the plants. You can tell that even for them its a place of connection. Life is abundant in a garden and there's a connection to that life force energy there.
Having our kids in and around the garden at such early ages, I've noticed already that it has bred a bit of independence in them. When they get older there will come a day when they start going to other kids houses and they're gonna ask the other kids, where is your garden? When the other kids say "we don't have a garden", my kids are going to think they are weird. That's how it should be in my opinion. There is such a disconnect in society from so many things and to me, it all starts with a disconnect from where your food comes from.
Just keep growing. There is just something about being in the garden or the woods that seems to allow a man to think, or be lead to think better, deeper thoughts.
As you said it probably goes back to man's origins, he was placed in the garden to dress it and keep it. Then you also have the connection of being formed from the dust of the earth with a spirit being given to us.
Some alternate Jewish writings suggest that God first asked the angels to name the animals, but lacking the connection to the earth they could not. Then it fell to Adam, who could because he possessed a connection to the physical and spiritual.
Just some random musings on the subject.
I think it does go back to man's origin. Never heard that other one, about the angels though.
That part was from the Midrash Rabbah, it's basically a collection of really old writings of Jewish Rabbi. Some of it is from their oral traditions, the rest is more like a commentary on the Torah. I don't treat it like as highly as the Jews do, but it is interesting seeing how they interpreted scripture thousands of years ago. Then you have the oral traditions sprinkled in adding a little food for thought.
BTW this site is awesome for reading those.
It's nice to walk in the garden and pick some vegetables to cook and make food.
Working in the garden definitely has the chance to grow better people than those who've never touched the land. There's so much to do and learn and understand; and because the Bible was written to people who worked the land, if you want to understand a lot of what God had to say you really do need to start understanding that God started us out in a garden on purpose.
We came from the dust, were meant to work the ground and are going back to dust for a while in the end.
I believe that living on a homestead where you live with nature, the gardens, the animals, fresh air and chemical free is the way the Creator intended us to live. If he wanted us to live in the city, he would have put us there, to begin with. Wholesome living grows wholesome people.
So cool! From the title of the post, the video wasn't what I expected. haha the whole time I was thinking in my head what would be the best things I would choose to grow in my garden. The simple answer is "Grow what you like to eat." haha, but you took it in a different direction. honestly my love for gardening, came from my parents loving it, and making me pull weeds in the garden as a kid on Saturday mornings before I could play. That is something I can't wait to experience with my future kids, whenever I have them. haha. There is something fascinating, about growing something and then eating it. But you learn a lot of life lessons with a garden. You learn to have patience, you learn to take care of things, you learn to experiment to improve things, etc. All of which can apply to life outside of the garden. So I think your philosophy is spot on my friend! :)
Well said...never thought of it like that! Please continue to share as I'm sure there are plenty of us out here that enjoy it and are encourage by it! Shalom!
Novel concept, I never thought about growing People. Good idea, but definitely not a cash crop, LOL!
Those purple beans look interesting! When we get moved out to the new land, we just bought, we will try some of those snake gourds too.
Be Blessed! You are My Son's age.