This is the truth I'm telling you, just believe it.
Of course it is a common saying in our daily talks, speeches and shows.
But is this right?
Believing in something without proofing it true. Such acceptance can only be with you for a short period of time.
On the other side, it becomes yours when you proof it before accepting it truth.
My journey today, was tough. I expected to arrive early anyway.
The question is what was I thinking about, early or late?
I dissipated my energy asking myself why I didn't come early, why I took the very bus I took.
I kept on telling myself I don't want to be late. I became a vessel of complaints.
The very things I didn't want were attracted to me. Passengers board the bus late and its condition was a big time problem.
Simple. It was purely the manifestation of the LAW, Cause and Effect as the Law of Attraction.
My thoughts created every condition I experienced today. This is your mental magnet.
Instead of wasting time to think about lateness, I could have visualized my self or journey in a constructive way.
That's see myself at my final destination in my mind.
The Law is no respecter of man. If you don't want it, then DON'T THINK about it.
