Great article.
I think the other reason FB implementing a SMT-type system wouldn't work is because FB currently relies heavily on the income from advertisers.
Will people pay for FB ads anymore? What would be the point? And would the ads be as effective?
Ever since joining Steemit in September, I have noticed an amazing shift in my feed, because as I have followed more writers who are producing what I consider quality content, and continuing to vote/share it, my feed has none of the spam, memes, and other crap I was getting very disillusioned by.
Someone else wrote something about this recently.... Steem is not slave to the all-powerful algorithm as FB is. My feed is filled with content that I have chosen to see. Not so with FB.
This place is still in its infancy, and I think what is happening that the current community is working out the kinks.
FB is on the way out. People are getting jack of it - at least from my observations in my community.
Something that has a lot of power that people do not often consider fully. The algorithms they run at FB etc do a lot more damage than anyone cares to admit.
It's become a little like Pandora's Box though... at first it was annoying. But now more and more people are getting jack of it, and vocalising their discontent. And the more they try to fiddle with it and 'fix' it to please users, the shitter it gets. They're in strife, and Zuckers knows it.