This article reminds me of a postcard I picked up at Oxford University when I was travelling through England, that had the logic of a student...
"The more I study, the more I know.
The more I know, the more I forget.
The more I forget, the less I know...
So why study?"
To me, life is all about unlearned the programs that are pushed upon us, to free our minds and liberate ourselves to experience a life of the senses, with childlike wonder for the moment- now.
I may have graduated with Honours, but that truly means nothing.
I can say that I know nothing, and feel completely and utterly okay with that!
Thanks for your posts... I will be following!
Thank you!
Lol, that is a funny postcard.
I was one of the best students but to me that means nothing, so I feel the same as you.
I'm learning something almost daily because I've discovered an unmatched pleasure in that.
But I know that I don't know much, and it's so liberating when you accept that.