¿Replay or Ripley?
PoB & PoH to the rescue of the misfits and outlaws of the entire platform.
¡Caution! Too many truths thrown and put together with forceful eloquence in this post so no one can escape unscathed. So, from here onward, you can only go ahead at your own sovereign risk. I won't accept whining, you've already been warned!
"An otherworldly article whose inspiration has been courtesy of a very old blog written by me in Spanish a long time ago somewhere in the immutable blockchain"
- "A simple matter of influences"
- "We all need validation from and by our fellow men"
- ¿Is external validation ¡valid! (worth the redundancy) to self-assess our value?
- Rivalries, envies, jealousies and resentments.
- Balance between support and resistance to your merits.
- Cast aside the ego, the fear, the shyness and the pride.
A rival could simply be a peer that you admire. But that at the same time, one that you feel that eventually you could equal or surpass their performance too.
There are those who affirm that one's exploits would rather should inspire and motivate the others to try to equalize or overcome them.
¿Are these relationships really capable of producing bonds of respect and finally an improvement in performance between both competitors?
«Closed Minds vs. Open Minds»
The first ones are those that under no circumstances would allow be publicly shown as an unfinished piece of perfection. As to allow someone to see them in their underpants or in tracksuit trousers and a battered t-shirt on a Sunday morning.
They are those who would not fucking chance to allow be surprised saying something stupid in front of those who they perceive, assume and feel the perennial need to render accounts and justify themselves in case of such a terrible slip.
These are those folks who perceive everything and everyone around them functioning as their reflection in a mirror. They always enjoy themselves while exclusively remaining lost into a perpetual state of self-reference. In order to feel good at something, they have to have the perception of being better than everyone else around them, or at least somewhere near the top within their foggy mind.
A closed mind constantly evaluates their sense of self-worth, prowess, value, success and abilities by permanently judging themselves in comparison to those around them. They always seeks to be better and longs to look better than everyone else in their reduced universe. A quite reduced universe.
And when it is the case and the occasion abruptly presents itself to them, the fear of failure threatens them to death, to the maximum. They are likely to shy away from and avoid the challenges. Even and especially even in the things that they consider they are good with. Including, in the areas they consider themselves gifted.
This is because failure always threatens to endanger their unfounded "talent" status. One slip up and they’re no longer the genius they, or others, thought they were. So, better to not risk it at all.
This type of mentality is what invariably gives birth to arrogance. This mindset only breeds arrogance nevertheless. Always looking down from their fiercely protected fancied spot at the top of the heap. A fixed mindset individual genuinely feels superior to the people they surround themselves with. In fact, they need to think in this way in order to feel a slight bit of worth.
Petulants to the max due their fierce tendency to protect that tiny space of self perceived position in their supposed pinnacle. Closed minds are those that genuinely feel superior to all those with whom they surround themselves. They always depend and need to think in this way because it is the only way they feel more or less safe and good about themselves.
In conclusion, a closed mind swears that others should only always be what he is and that none of that can change.
On the opposite side, an open mind will always feels valuable, successful, useful, willful and purposeful as long as they perceive that it is learning something new whatever it may be what matters. What this means is that for an open mind there never exist failure. Because the more difficult and complicated the challenges present themselves, the more will they develop in trying to overcome, tame and master them. For an open mind, trials and challenges are always welcome, because for them it is not important if they are not transformed into an instant success.
Open minds are those that are capable of living comfortable being fully aware of their limitations and vulnerabilities. Since they know very well that it is not precisely their weaknesses that define them as a person and that are precisely their imperfections; the virtues and qualities by which others feel more connected with them. Therefore, open minds will never waste time looking themselves in the mirror all day long and will always connect with their peers in a truly genuine way.
¿Are you one of those capable of feeling shame or abashment because others can associate you with sympathizing with certain characters, personalities or different folks near to you even when they are supremely attractive, interesting, fascinating and secretly pleasant for you in your inner core?
¿Is that why you tend to publicly distance yourself from them simply because they can be considered by most of your immediate circle and social environment as "socially or politically incorrect" in the places you frequent and where you routinely perform and move through everyday?
¡Deep down you are really attracted to weird, eccentric and extravagant bugs. But you are almost always afraid to be identified as one of them! ¿Do you?
¿Are you so afraid of what others will say? ¿Are you so afraid of being judged by gallery audiences? Are gallery audiences so important to you?
In what you have to end up convincing yourself, is that all the above is just a product of the artificial stilted tags, labels and judgments created from discrimination. And discrimination is nothing more than the desire of many individuals to try to illusively look better and/or ephemerally stand out above others and then feel better than other people while they're inside the mirage of their tiny bubble.
What is certain is that we usually choose to relate to people who, far from being equal to us, tend to complement us in some way in aspects where we evaluate having weaknesses rather than affinities.
Relationships are formed and consolidated through active exchange. Generally reciprocal, nutritious and healthy. Of similar or different social attributes. But where usually a favorable shared space of intimacy, curiosity and empathy is generated through a sane, cordial and authentic interaction without limits with all our differences and similarities with everyone.
We are simply all different and if we can avoid and certainly bypass these prejudices asap, I assure you that we just will get a lot of benefits.
Benefits like the opening of your mind to new, unknown and different things. The potential expansion of your sensitivity to having the opportunity to observe beforehand things from multiple angles, spectrums, optics, perspectives and points of view providing you with a greater universal ubiquity in your environment. The ability to adapt and expand your gaze beyond the world that is known to you in a single stroke without exposing yourself to unnecessary physical risks.
Without a doubt, I can assure you that the ideas, customs, ways of thinking and habits of others are not contagious. If we allow ourselves to know thoroughly all kinds of people, we invariably will acquire way more than what we are losing. We will never stop being us in any situation. On the contrary, we will be adding new knowledge, experiences and behavioral repertoire which will always be effectively controlled and managed only and exclusively by ourselves.
Honestly, if you consider yourself mature, if you really know who you are. You can with total certainty walk with whomever you like and make of each experience an absolutely enriching and unforgettable adventure.
Genuine and authentic people always see themselves as others would if they were objective observers.
In case you are wondering, genuine means being real, authentic, transparent, sincere, frank and honest. Genuine people are basically the same in their interior as their integrity is and it is demonstrated by their behavior, actions and expressions in the exterior and abroad too.
Genuine people do not go around looking for attention. They do not need constant massages or reinforcement to their own ego.
While those who are always looking for attention, invariably have a large void hole that constantly needs to be filled. Authentic people are already more than full of self-confidence, self-realization and self-awareness. They do not care in the least if others like them or not. Authentic, Conscious and Trusting people limit themselves to simply being themselves. If they like, good. And if not, it's fine, too. They can clearly perceive and also know very well when others are full of authenticity.
Because they are firmly anchored in the reality and that gives them the full license and a solid base line from which they can easily predict when things do not add up or adjust to the expected results.
They are and feel comfortable in and under their own skin. The vast majority struggle with trying to achieve that. Authentic people do what they say and say what they mean. They do not tend to overreach or exaggerate. They fulfill their commitments. And they do not analyze their words or sweeten the truth. If you need to hear something, they will tell you, even if it is hard and difficult for them to tell you or for you to listen to them.
They are not of sensitive skin, scarce pelt or thin wool. They do not take themselves too seriously, so they are not offended when no offense has been attempted. They are not too modest nor boastful. Since they are fully confident and sure of their strengths and do not need to brag about them. In the same way, they do not exhibit false modesty either. Yeah, humility certainly is a positive feature, but it is even a more positive trait being simple.
They tend to be consistent and practice what they preach. They are not given to give advice to anyone about anything that they were not willing to carry out themselves. After all, genuine people know perfectly well that they are no better than anyone and therefore it is not in their nature to be or to appear righteous. There is not and never is much processing, manipulation or control between what is in their heads and what people ends up seeing and hearing.
Once you get to know them thoroughly, genuine people turn out to be almost always consistent with how they initially have maintained themselves over time to be what you've always seen. ¡What you see is what you get! Simple as that.
If your quest is constantly more oriented to obtain indiscriminately the opinion of someone who always agrees with you all the time, then better you go quickly to a mirror and ask & request that to your own reflection.
Because not even in your wildest & wettest dreams one of those authentic and genuine bad asses called rebels, misfits, renegades, pariahs and extravagant outsiders, outlaws and outcasts will never throw you a single compliment.
But before ending with this customary soliloquy. Let's just fling one more clue I'm gonna give you for free. It is extremely easy to detect, identify and specify those beings who are truly open minds. With a genuine and authentic growth mindset that distinguishes them from the rest of the pack.
And that peculiarity is; that by their own self-confidence, self-realization and self-consciousness these beings will inevitably always show and can never hide a perpetually ruthless and formidably elevated Sense of Humor.
¡Word of Pinky Cranky Gandalf!
And... Oh yeah! after all this nutritious PoB tirade. Surely I will have to start teaching & training my canny birds to look out only for minimun $100.00 hbd tokens & notes to reach the trending or hot page. Well, on Hive at least. };)
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