However, when reading (or listening for a young child) the imagination is essentially forced into gear and must work to build imagery to make sense of the story. This practice (in my opinion), is vital for future creative abilities, whether it be artistic or analytic because, the imagination is our problem solver.
Great post mate!! Yep, every day these new generations are being lead to be and behave closer to average uniform blind followers of whatever carrot on the stick the Show Bizniz put in front on them. Gradually suffocating and eventually killing the subtle but vital inner machinery to build imagery of their own to make sense of every story in their lives ahead.
If they do not rebel in time from this trend and submissively and docilely they limit themselves to just following the herd without questioning anything or anyone for not using and exercising their, for now artificially numb, own imagination, rationality and instincts. I'm afraid, that the emancipation and true freedom of humanity will continue blindly advancing trying to keep balance on an already very frayed tightrope.
How much time do you spend using your imagination to close gaps, understand the narrative, create an internal world that is your own individual blend of idiosyncratic views of life. How much time do you spend using the superpower we have been granted through evolution or an unlikely god?
Without healthy imaginations, reality is lost. This is no fairy tale.
Just for these two quotes that I have selected above, is that I tend to think and affirm more and more that our generation, specially my own generation, has been one of the most privileged in history. Because those of my age to this day, we have already had the opportunity to have seen & heard, tested & tasted and lived & experienced along 7 decades, 2 centuries and two millennia the greatest variety of changes, challenges, progress and advances that will never be experienced by any human again.
Certainly we, the humanity and every free thinking being will need to beget, breed, grow up and nurture a formidable new breed of rebels, mavericks, renegades, heretics and outlaw warriors to fight and counteract these ongoing and stealthy attempts to narcotize society to prevent them from activate and using what that unlikely god already gave them to survive. On this magnificent and splendorous Blue Planet. :)
It never ceases to amaze me how so much progress, wonder and beauty can be repressed and ignored in the name of power and control. So much opportunity used to put a leash on rather than wings.
Yeah wings!! those are just for those thinking outside 'Tha Box' :)