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RE: Can Oneness and Separation Co-Exist?

in #philosophy7 years ago

Nice Post @colinhoward. This is something I have thought about at length as well. While we clearly are separate entities in terms of our body, or vessel in which our spirit is contained; we are somehiw part if a bigger whole that binds us. I have had some amazing experiences in terms of synchronisity, I'm sure you have as well. For instance you think of a friend, then the phone ring and its your friend. I think there's a spiritual energy that binds us all, so the concept that we are all one is referring more to our energetic experience rather than our physical experience.

You bring up some interesting points though. Thanks for sharing.


Absolutely, my experiences with synchronicity have affirmed my belief in the collective unconscious and that much deeper connections exist within reality that we are aware of.

A constant observer (ourselves) indicates that, at least in sensory terms, there is a sense of separation between us and the rest of the cosmos. If it's an illusion, it's a persistent and helpful one in making our world coherent.